Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your March energetic update!
Welp, this will be a long one, ya'll! Sooo much to cover so perhaps you'll want to save this and come back to it to digest in increments. I'll start by saying that March is always my favorite month astrologically - I always do my big launches around the Astro New Year. In Astrology, the New year is when Aries (1st sign of the 12 zodiac signs) Season begins. It coincides with the Spiring Equinox, marking new growth and new potential. Before we get there though we are still wading through the emotional waters of Pisces Season (Feb 19 - March 20). 
During Pisces Season we are asked to take a look at our inner worlds and connection to ourselves, our subconscious, our beliefs, our patterns - all the deep sh*t. Pisces Season can be like a big hug or a dark cloud depending on what's hanging out in the ole subconscious that needs to be let go. External shifts may challenge your inner strength to lock in some lessons or growth. It isn't a time to overdo or overcommit to things. Instead, what if we were with ourselves more, catering to our emotional needs, listing and connecting to ourselves? We can so easily distract ourselves with the go go go and what I call “anticipation disease” - “what's next, what's next??!”. Pause and reflect how far you've come and what you need. Can you challenge some beliefs or patterns that hold you back? Mindful practices, yoga, journaling, studying things like attachment styles, checking in on how you self sabotage, self soothe, etc. Pisces Season asks us - “do you have healthy coping skills or are you numbing out and just living in the grey, outside of your true potential?” (pssst over working can be a form of numbing out too). We all do to some degree! Pisces energy can get overwhelming so don't forget it's opposite sign of Virgo - set small goals for your day to day routine and see those small changes add up to big shifts.
Saturn moves into Pisces on 3/7 to lock in the above lessons! (also a full moon in Virgo this day!) This is a very big deal, it hasn't been in Pisces for since 1994-1996. When Saturn, the planet of Karma, moves signs (every ~2.5yrs) we feel it on a collective level. Pisces themes will be seen, felt and will need to be worked on. Yes, where Pisces is in your personal chart is very important for how you specifically will feel this transit - more on that later. But, collective (global) themes will surround Pisces. Saturn = hard work, commitments, dedication, lessons, challenges, restrictions, serious toned, maturation - Saturn also rules government, structures, authority, old school vibes. In Pisces, we as a whole, will be experiencing the good and bad around the things Pisces rules - belief systems (spirituality/religion), addictions, drugs and alcohol (poisons), therapy, healing, intuition, isolation/escapism, secrets, inner world / higher self, the afterlife, creativity, cinema, celebrity. Unfortunately, we as a collective can be a bit low-vibe. So, I tend to see the tough side of Saturn before we integrate the lessons it brings. 
Think back to March 2020 when Saturn went into Aquarius, the sign of community, equality, freedom, technology and hopes and dreams for the future. These things were restricted at first - the pandemic stripping us from our sense of belonging / friendships/ groups, our freedom, having to get used to annoying technologies and putting a damper on our dreams. But by the end of it - we learned the tough lessons on how important community is but also who is worthy of our time and energy - no more overcommitting. Things like zoom are the norm now (not to mention many advances in tech/AI) and we learned with these tools we don't need as much “face time” in offices which created more freedom and independence. We had major strides (always more work to do) with equality and race - so many lessons in how to treat each other and how to be open to learning beyond our lived experience. Also, I personally saw SO many people have the time and space to actually align with their dreams more authentically. See how Saturn gives us tough love? It always rewards hard work. 
In Pisces I expect to see some challenges around mental health, poisonous substances getting worse before better (water crisis in Ohio, fentanyl laced drugs, etc), blind faith / my faith vs yours (charlatans in the spiritual/religious spaces), isolation, to name a few. Perhaps a crisis that leads us to tend to our needs and deepening our beliefs. But by the end of this transit - I believe things like therapy and spirituality will be the norm (it may be the norm in some cities but trust me - this is not the “norm” in the collective yet). 
Are you a spiritual healer / businesses owner? This is a great transit for you! While many inauthentic spiritual people will be weeded out / exposed - the authentic ones will prevail and the world needs you AND will be more open to you. Reminds me of my tagline “taking the eyerolls out of Astrology” - maybe those eyerolls will be gone soon? People returning to or finding Religion - for the non woo-woo crew. 
I also believe we may not see the point in alcohol anymore - “sober curious” may be the new norm. We already see non-alc brands popping up everywhere, right? Further studies into psychedelics as therapy, less reliance on big Pharma and more addressing root causes. More studies around death and afterlife, death doulas, etc.  A sense of health within and addressing our forms of numbing out will be a big theme. We all get the chance to work hard at our inner world and inner connectedness. There is a through line in us all, in every religion, in our shared experiences/setbacks. Little kumbaya vibe is trying to emerge!
Where it will impact you? Where does Pisces start in your chart (pisces could fall in two houses)? This area of life is requiring some dedication. Here's an old video of mine on 'how to find things in your chart" - https://youtu.be/nyy8eGAU8BY 
Once you find where Pisces is in your chart, you can read this article on what to expect over the next few years. PS I read a ton of articles on this and didn't agree with many (lots of negative vibes around Saturn) but these are the most in depth I have found and they align the most with my experiences with Saturn. I did not want to write my own lol but find that sourcing / curating is a talent too :)
I always say that once Saturn has left a house - you can look back and be like “damn, I have that sht on lock, I am solid af there!” bc it makes you face sht and up level!
Jesus that was a long Saturn rant, ay? But so important! ALSO! If you have Saturn in Pisces - HELLO SATURN RETURN! Read up on Saturn return bc there is no more space for that here haha.
Astrological New Year!!!  (when sun enters Aries on 3/20 at 10am pst)
+ all planets direct + mars finally out of shadow = hallelujah! We've done the inner work from Pisces season and now we are asked - 'what are ya gonna do about it?".  It's time to be bold, to trust your gut, stop comparing or polling other people, take action, take the lead, initiate - it's magnetic time! You can treat the Astro New Year the way most people treat Jan 1st - set intentions, reflect back one the last year and what you've accomplished, manifest, vision board, set goals. January was filled with retrogrades and wonky as heck. This is the true new energy. Things may happen fast as this energy shifts over and we have a new moon in Aries the very next day on 3/21 - hello double dose of fresh starts and new opportunities!! 
Reflect : What would you do if you couldn't fail? What would you do if you had the confidence? What would you do if you shut out other people's opinions/expectations/projections? Be respectfully selfish now. It's time to plant the seeds, take the leap, make the change - it doesn't all need to come together this season, it just needs to begin. Eclispse season comes right after in April - adding to the momentum. They fall on 4/20 & 5/5  - the karmic shifting points of major change. Spring is LIT, y'all!
Pluto moves into Aqurius on 3/23
“Anotha One!” - yelled in DJ Kalid voice. If you are into Astrology / follow astrologers they're prob talking a lot about this one. But honestly - I focus more on how the individual is impacted and this is WAY more collective energy so don't get too caught up in it, imo! Yes, it's fun for us astro nerds to research but most people are just like “how does it impact meeeeee?” 
Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 - (hello financial and political crises!) and now enters Aquarius from 2023 to 2044 - it does just give us a glimpse for a couple months and retrogrades back into Capricorn the rest of the year but anywho - it's major. I won't spend as much time as Saturn since that is more felt personally. Pluto is very much a "generational transit" spending ~ 20 years in each sign. It hasn't been in Aqua since 1778–1798. Pluto = transformation, extremes, research, investigating, upheaval, power, secrets, death & rebirth. Aquarius = technology, humanity, the collective, revolution, rebellion, equality, freedom, the future, innovation. 
One of the biggest thing this will bring is major evolution in tech / AI. Another  possibility is a revolution of sorts…nbd. We can look back at history (astrology is about cycles and themes) and last time Pluto was in Aquarius we had the Industrial Revolution and French Revolution. Power over the people is something that will be challenged - perhaps a new political system will emerge. Low vibe Aqua = god complex, know-it-all. High vibe Aqua = what are my unique skills and how can they support the group/the cause/the collective. There may be pendulum swings in each direction between power struggles vs equality and freedom. The Age of Aquarius is here. It's progress and change time! But it's a slow AF transit so while we may get a big theme emerging as it enters for real next year (or maybe these next few months when it peeks in) - for the most part it is slow change. Do a quick google search of “Pluto in Aquarius Astrology” and enjoy the rabbit hole!!
In your personal chart - Pluto moves so dang slow that chances are it likely isn't moving into a new house for most of us. But feel free to check the video above for where Aquarius begins in your chart - then google “Pluto transit x house” and read up! It is so slow that it becomes a background theme and it is definitely more a collectively felt energy - there are so many more important things to obsess over in your chart than this, in a nutshell. Fun nonetheless. 
You still with me? haha. Now onto my “Big 3”

March is a 1 Universal Month in Numerology. 
(2023 is a 7yr)
Collectively for the Universal 7 year, March is a 1 month. 1 month is all about fresh starts and initiatives. Tied with the 7 year - soul aligned initiatives, starting mindful practices, studying/writing/launching things that interest you. You may still have a case of the bah-humbugs for the early days of this month, but optimism, energy, and excitement will soon turn on. The energy is giving anything is possible vibes!
Against the background of self-reflection and soul-searching year, this month's sense of freshness gives a spring in our step. I love that the 1month coincides with the Astro New Year! It's a high powered month but it's marked by your own determination and initiative. It's a great time to launch something, take on new challenges in your career, to start new endeavors, independent leaps, creative projects, be a leader… and just do the damn thing already! Reminds me of the quote - we only regret the things we don't begin - or something like that. This month is asking us to begin - in whatever way that means for you - it doesn't have to be external, it can be internal like working on what would help you feel more confident.
Reminder that 2023 is a Universal 7 year. The 7 holds the energy of the inward journey - the connection with the subconscious. We all, regardless of your personal year, will need to tap into our intuition. A grounded practice will be necessary this year. It's also a year of knowledge and creation - what have you been wanting to deep dive? Particularly surrounding mindfulness, intuition, writing, therapy and habits. This year will allow for emotions to bubble to the surface so that we can get to the root of limiting beliefs, self sabotage, avoidance and addictive tendencies. This is a year for everyone to FLOW rather than force. Go inward. Face the gunk and grow from within. side note : I have noticed the connection of Saturn with Numerology and Saturn into Pisces is SO 7 energy - notice all these connections?!
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.

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Ooooolala the card of the month is the Death Card! This is the card of fate. It signifies spiritual transformation and a time of change and new beginnings. And have no fear, it's a symbolic death - not actual death! “Death card represents the death of the external - could be career, relationships, family dynamics - anything that occurs outside of us and we may feel the pain of it's passing”. We are being asked to shed, to let go - beautiful representation of moving from Pisces season (end of winter) into new growth of Aries Season (spring). What needs to fall away? What external obstacles are in your way of the fresh start trying to emerge? (Projections / expectations from others could be some.). 
Are you clinging to things that no longer serve you because it's comfortable? Habits that hinder us can at the same time have worked at making us feel better but they act as a bandaid not a solution. This card asks - what are we overly attached to? Security comes up with this. It often times feels safer in the gunk - we can have a false sense of control in that space. What/who is holding you back from your new beginning?
This spiritual transformation this card represents may come from grief, loss or heartbreak that you have experienced. It can represent a difficult transition from an old situation to a new beginning.The Death card signals that one major phase in your life is ending, and a new one is going to start. But are you ready and willing to close one door, so the new one will open?  Sometimes we have to end something first with no promise for the new beginning and hope for something to emerge. That's scary - that takes trust. And sometimes when we do have an exciting change on the horizon, an opportunity for fresh start - that can still be scary because we don't have the comfort of experience! But boy, on the other side of that fear or self doubt… is magic.
Notice the Pluto themes in this card? Death & Rebirth…

Clean slate anyone? 
Astrology of the month
**3/1 - Venus conjunct Jupiter - most romantic day of the year - fall in love with yourself/your life. Watch out for overspending/overindulging. (Felt days surrounding)
3/2 - Mercury Conjunct Saturn - mental frustration if you’re bored or mental focus if you have something you’re working on. Practical mind
**3/2 - Mercury enters Pisces (till 3/18) - thoughts and feelings blend together, less logic more intuition and creative thinking
3/3 - Venus conjunct Chiron - heal your heart, self worth work
3/3 - Moon enters Leo - play, express your creative side, romanticize your life
3/5 - Moon enters Virgo - get organized, get shit done, health, watch the inner critic
3/6 - Sun sextile Uranus - insights and surprises, be flexible rather than rigid in routine so things can show up
****3/7 - Saturn Enters Pisces - (March 7, 2023, to May 24, 2025) - long transit so not just a one and done energy. But when Saturn changes signs it’s a big deal. Find where Pisces is in your chart to see where you’re going to be putting in the work
*3/7 - Full Moon at 16° Virgo - reassess your commitments, your routine, your health - break free from self criticism and focus on small steps
3/8 - Moon enters Libra - notice if your relationships feel in balance, aesthetics, harmony, flirty
3/10 - Moon enters Scorpio - connect to your higher self and inner power, uncover what you crave, do witchy things, watch out for self sabotage/obsessive thoughts, emotions run wild
3/11 -  Venus sextile Mars - magnetism, flirty vibes, passion - go on a date or go be social
3/11 - Mercury Sextile Uranus - stimulating convos, insights, surprise change of plans
3/11 - Jupiter Conjunct Chiron - dreams, spiritual healing, mentors, tap into higher self and past pain to release it
3/13 -  Moon enters Sagittarius - be bold, take risks, go into learning or exploration mode - expand
*3/14 - Mars square Neptune - not the best day for alcohol / drugs / risky behavior - deceptive, confusing energy. Don’t force things or rush - tap into physical body and it’s needs (Felt days surrounding)
3/15 - Moon enters Capricorn - ambition, goals, get it done, authority figures
3/15 - Sun Conjunct Neptune - flowwwww don’t force, magic can happen
3/15 - Mercury square Mars - blunt AF, verbal slays - try not to react or be defensive today
**3/16 - MARS OUT OF SHADOW!!! Now things REALLY are all systems goooo!!!
**3/16 is big energy - Mercury conjunct Neptune / Sun square Mars / Venus square Pluto / Venus enters Taurus - a mix of being tested, relationship magnifying glass, truths revealed, passion and pleasure
3/17 - Moon enters Aquarius - community, collaborate, get involved
**3/17 - Mercury enters Aries - mental drive, take action with your ideas
3/18 - Mercury sextile Pluto - truths revealed, deep dive
3/19 - Moon enters Pisces - reflect, hermit, feel, heal, salt bath, journal, therapy sesh, meditate, Netflix in cozies
*3/20 - Venus Conjunct North Node - karmic connections, love & abundance
***3/20 - Sun enters Aries - ASTROLOGICAL NEW YEAR / SPRING EQUINOX - happy Aries Season and new year. Fresh starts!
*3/21 - New moon in Aries - be selfish with your goals, initiate, follow your gut, move your body
****3/23 - Pluto Enters Aquarius - Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and now enters Aquarius from 2023 to 2044, obviously a long AF transit so think of it as back round, collective energy. Major for global themes.
3/23 - Moon enters Taurus - get grounded, activate the senses, self worth time, take stock if you feel valued and if you value what you put your energy towards
**3/25 - Mars Enters Cancer - after 7 long months in Gemini (typical stint is 60 days), Mars finally moves into Cancer!
3/25 - Moon enters Gemini - dabble, learn, express yourself
3/26 - Mercury conjunct Chiron - write out your feelings
3/27 - Mercury Conjunct Jupiter - wisdom, expansion, big picture planning - mindset is everything and this energy asks us to be optimistic and pan out from the minutia
3/28 -  Moon enters Cancer - listen to your intuition, tend to your environment, self care
3/29 - Moon enters Leo - play, express your creative side, romanticize your life
3/30 - Mars trine Saturn - determination kicks on, final push, commit (felt days surrounding)
3/30 - Venus conjunct Uranus - dating apps, meet cutes, surprise money changes (good and bad), craving independence in partnership, craving unique partners that aren’t your normal type if dating
(*) = the more asterisks, the more important / more potent
Want these all to auto-populate on your personal phone calendar (with more details)? A shared calendar when these are exactly happing is included in the Astro Curious membership 
That's the quick and dirty astrology! Want a more in depth look into it all and how it impacts you specifically? You can always book a 1:1 reading with me or come to my moon events ($15) where I deep dive the above and show you how to find where it's impacting your chart! 
Announcements :
Book a Reading - Usually I release my schedule on the 3rd Monday of each month but life is so unpredictable that I have to release dates on a week by week basis. I opened up 3 days next week and it will be the only March availibity so if you have been looking to get in - here's your chance! Booking link HERE.
Join Astro Curious - Newly launched astrology shared calendar for active members!!!! If you want to create a spiritual / self care practice surrounding the moon cycles, nerd out of all things spiritual, have community, direct access to me, get in flow with the cosmic cycles and get exclusive workshops and discounts to things I do that are open to non-members then this is for you! I mean, Saturn is in Pisces and it's a 7 year - let's get witchy! But seriously - it is my favorite thing and I love seeing everyone so in flow with themselves and the energy. It's $25/ mo and cancel anytime. JOIN HERE 
Astrology Course - Mastering the Birth Chart -  it's been 1 year since I launched my course so I wanted to shout it out here and offer 22% off of the month of March! It was a huge labor of love! For anyone wanting to be able to learn Astrology and read a birth chart - I created a very in depth go-at-your-own-pace course. 
Catch the vibes of the course it by watching this video :

On a personal note : 
February can kick rocks! Out the gate it rocked my world with my mom ending up in the ICU on a ventilator for days. Let's just say…traumatic. She's shocked us all and made a full recovery though (besides the whole terminal cancer part) so it all feels like it didn't happen / it was a dream. One that undoubtedly will hang out in my subconscious for years to come so I will be working on that ;) we did have a super hot doctor at least - bright side!
I am very excited for March as I am heading to Chicago for a couple days before I take off to Europe with my spiritual besties. In Chicago I get to have dinner with the Chicago Astro Curious members (yay community!) and get some much needed quality time with my bff/soulmate Brooke and her baby - guys, she literally gave birth the DAY BEFORE I left Chicago to head to Portland to care-take. We both go through wild things at the same time that mirror each other. She became a mom and I dropped everything to take care of my mom. Anyways - I miss Chicago and am so excited. In Europe we are heading to London for 3 days, the countryside for 2 - Bath (Bridgerton vibes) and Stonehenge on Astro New Year… naturally. (nerd out on Stonehenge) Then we wrap with 3 days in Paris. Dream vacay with the best people. 
So, I will be going from no social life here and dealing with very serious, life changing circumstances to 2 weeks crammed with excitement - will I get a social hangover? Absolutely. Will I get post vacation depression? Also yes. 
I also typically launch something big with my business on Astro new year (2020 first workshop, 2021 my membership, 2022 my course) but not this year - I'm in a personal 7 year and Saturn is moving into my 4th house. I am not forcing anything. Also, I am emotionally overwhelmed. Buuuut it also scares me to not be doing more tbh. Even though I know I am solid, there are many fears creeping around for sure.  But I mean, if anyone has a fab opportunity or wants to pay me lots of money - holler atcha gal!
This concludes my novel. Cheers to navigating March's energy!
Have a lovely month ahead,
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