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Do you trust me?
[…enough to be my guinea pig? ] I realise this is a bit of an odd question to ask, but bear with me, First name / friend — because hopefully it'll all make sense once you read on.
At 42, I'm practically a dinosaur. When I was at uni back in the late 90s to early 2000s (hello triple vodka redbulls at the Soar Point in Leicester! #iykyk), we were taught the classic rule of three — to always present three design concepts to the client. Typically, this would look like:
  • One safe bet (aka what the client asked for).
  • One designer's choice (a strategic balancing act between client preference, audience needs and creativity).
  • One wild card (that pushes boundaries and challenges the client).
There's nothing wrong with this approach. It's a tried and tested, industry standard way of doing things that has served me, and many others, well for over 20 years — and it's what the majority of clients have come to expect from the design process. 
But here's the thing: whenever I present my customary three concepts, I always have a gut feeling about one of them. It just feels right. More often than not, that gut feeling turns out to be spot on, and my favourite ends up being my client's top choice. If I was to hazard a guess as to why, I think it boils down to:
  • Taking the time to really get to know my clients, who they are, what they stand for, and who they want to appeal to.
  • Staking out the strategy + overall design direction before diving into any detailed conceptual work.
  • Being in the game for long enough to know what works — that “intuitive way of reading my clients' minds" is a direct result of my 20+ years of experience rather than anything woo.
Despite this, I've remained loyal to the rule of three. Presenting three options feels safe. However, it also means I'm spending a lot of time producing concepts that will literally end up in the big black hole of unused ideas. What a shame!
I've recently started to wonder, what if? What if I went all-in on the one? What if the time usually spent conceptualising and iterating several ideas was dedicated to perfecting just one design direction, instead of three? What would happen then?
This is why I need a guinea pig. You, maybe?
I know several designers who have already adopted the one-concept approach with great success — but I simply don’t feel comfortable changing my whole approach without a test run. It feels risky, to me and my clients.
Which brings me back to that original question: do you trust me to deliver the goods on the first try? If so, I want to propose what I reckon is a bit of a win-win scenario:
  • You offer to be my test client and get 50% off your new brand identity (€5,000 → €2,500).
  • I get to see whether this is a viable approach for me.
You'll still get all the deliverables that are always included in the basic tier brand design package* — the only difference is that instead of three design directions to choose from, you'll get one that I've poured alllll my effort + creative and strategic skills into. (Safety net: if you decide you want to see additional design concepts, I'll happily provide that for an additional fee — either on a fixed rate or an hourly rate basis.)
Right now, I have room in my schedule to offer this opportunity to one new client. If you've considered booking my signature strategic brand design experience, but the investment has been out of budget — this could be the moment you've been waiting for!
I'm offering this on a first come first served basis, btw. Once someone books, that's it. Want it? Hit reply. Have questions? Book a call here. 
Have a great weekend,
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* Deliverables are as follows:
  • 60-minute strategic kick-off call
  • The Brand it! strategy framework + workbook
  • Lifetime access to my brand strategy course
  • Detailed brand questionnaire
  • Moodboard
  • 3 1 x design concepts
  • 2 x revisions of your chosen design concept
  • Main logo + logo variations
  • Sub mark + icon
  • Brand colour palette and typography
  • Brand style guide (one-page PDF file)
  • 5 x photorealistic mockups
  • All final deliverables in EPS, AI, JPG and PNG file formats
  • Password protected client portal
Ways to work with me

My signature strategic brand design experience

Brand Boost — a one-day strategic refinement of your existing brand

Brand it! strategy hours — pick my strategic brain and get unstuck
