Looking over my CV/career path, one could either say it is “diverse and interesting” or, conversely, “does she have ants in her pants?”
I have been a traffic reporter on 5FM, brought the first cell phones into the country and launched MTN, catered for the Rugby World Cup in 1995, run a travel agency, and loads more (stories for another day). The point is, I have been on the sourcing and receiving ends of hundreds of corporate gifts, many I loved and many that did a Monopoly-like – “ Do not pass begin..” and went straight into the charity pile. Not that I was ungrateful, but YOH some just made me shake my head – like a blinking lanyard that didn’t blink?! Imagine my sheer delight when I came across Laiela, who owns Ahavah Consulting. She is like the Corporate Gift Mary Poppins except, instead of pulling all sorts of surprises out of her bag – it’s an amazing catalogue.
This was my AHA-vah moment…
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What I love is that her range is so diverse (from bespoke gifting, conference packs, goody bag items, promotional attire and so much more) PLUS she has wonderful ideas to match needs to budget, gets very creative, AND offers the best service I have experienced in this industry ever! It’s no wonder, then, that this Level 1 BEE company will celebrate 5 amazing years in business in May. Combining her experience in PR, Marketing, and Event management, with her impressive supplier database, it is no wonder Laiela gets it so right and always on time. I’m embarrassed to confess I have presented her
with some tight timelines in the past, and she nailed it, every time. Please don’t be that customer, be better than me LOL.
Thinking back, 3 of the best corporate gifts I ever received were from Ahavah – a personalised calendar, a personalised cap, and a little safe that looked like a book! So clever. 
Ditch the gaudy, overdone gifts and get in touch with this wonderful lady, she is so lovely that you’ll start off as her customer and want to be her friend!
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Let the A-List ignite your brand!
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