Celebrating the Magical Connection of Earth and Sky
In this Issue
Ramblings, Reflections and Ruminations of Daniel Giamario
What is TOTAMS Astrology for Anyway?
Virgo Full Moon 
by Daniel Giamario
The Art and Science of Shamanism 
 Global Online Conference  
March Equinox Seminars
Two Days of TOTAMS Celebrations
Lunar Standstill Seminars
with Daniel Giamario and Gemini Brett
April 2023 All School Gathering 
Will You Join Us? 
Ramblings, Reflections 
and Ruminations of Daniel Giamario 
What is TOTAMS Astrology for Anyway? 
This month, Daniel explores the essence of our school's astrological paradigm and the foundation it stands on (Shamanic Astrology Paradigm™). The topics of free will, the philosophy of "intent", and the larger context of our times that is so often left out are being discussed. Ultimately, this inquiry leads to Life Purpose and fulfillment of dharma.
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Dane Rudhyar, Rudolf Steiner and Sri Aurobindo - 
foundational influences on contemporary TOTAMS Astrology
Virgo Full Moon
by Daniel Giamario
See Daniel's take on the significant Saturn into Pisces ingress here: https://youtu.be/DV9xkGGbw1Y
Between the Tail and The Loins of The Lion
“The Full Moon can be found between two stars in the constellation of the Lion: Denebola at 21Virgo55, the tail of the Lion, and Chertan (Theta Leonis) at 13Virgo43, in the area of the Lion’s loins. It seems particularly appropriate to find the Full Moon nestled in the powerful procreative area of the Lion. This constellation symbolizes sovereignty and autonomy in women and men, as well as the joy and love of generating pure creative energies. Furthermore, Archangel Michael has always been associated with this region of the sky. Archangel Michael is said to be the Solar Guardian who protects global humanity from darkness and materialism (Ahriman) and is the divine channel of the return of Christos-Sophia, necessary for achieving the intended spiritual wholeness of the human being.” 
The Art and Science of Shamanism 
Global Online Conference 
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Daniel Giamario presents on the topic  
Find your local time HERE. The interview will be available FREE for 48h after it goes live. 
Over the ages, Humanity has faced many challenges to overcome. We have much to learn from ancestral spiritual traditions about wisdom and the interconnectedness of all life
 and our responsibility to each other and the planet. How can we weave our own threads with ancient history? We have the power to reestablish a line of connection between the spirit of all things and those of our ancestors, for knowledge and compassion. By heeding their wisdom, we can reclaim our inner freedom and marvel at the beauty of our world and of being human. When we bring darkness to light, when we gain consciousness and heal, when we cultivate equanimity, we become a channel to connect with other realms and ancient knowledge.
That's why our friend and colleague Celine ROCHE created a powerful global conference
 to bring together a visionary collective of 25+ international speakers from diverse backgrounds who will offer their expertise & guide us to reconnect with ancient spiritual wisdom. So that we can explore, honor, awaken, and remember our true nature. 
You are invited to attend: 
Lunar Standstill Seminars 
with Daniel Giamario and Gemini Brett
The Free Preview which was aired live on February 15 
is available on our website. 
This next seminar in the series will feature Chimney Rock in Southern Colorado, several mound structures of North America like Newark Earthworks, and various sites in Central and South America. Brett will share with us a deep understanding of the astronomy of extreme Lunar Azimuth and speculate on why it was so revered by the ancients and how we can align again today.
Prepare to have you mind, heart, 
and astrology greatly expanded.
Discounts are available for Basic and Premium Members.  
With so much emphasis on all things out-of-bounds, and so you can find out how to determine when the Moon or any other planet is out-of-bounds, here is a free 7-min video tutorial on the topic of declinations by TOTAMS Astrologer Awen Labow.  
March Equinox Seminars 
Two Days of TOTAMS Celebrations
In keeping with tradition, TOTAMS is offering two seminars 
in celebration of the Equinox. 
Both days are FREE with an option to donate.
The topic of the first seminar is more general 
and the second a bit more technical. 
We thank you for your support and participation, 
and hope that you can join us!
Over the last few years, Daniel’s monthly video blogs have explored the past, present, and possible future of the signs, which TOTAMS refers to as the Mystery Schools of Life. We have delved into the eternal essence of the signs contrasted with how their content, or expression, can change depending on the world age and variety of cultures.
Daniel and Mary will explore how a similar approach to the planets is necessary. The primary focus will be on how the global patriarchy, always dominant near the end of Kali Yuga, has distorted the deeper eternal essence of the planets. Of prime importance is the patriarchal hijack of Saturn, Pluto and Mars.
This is a non-technical seminar with subject matter that is easily understandable by anyone.
Currently the top topic for most astrologers, the rare ingress of Pluto into Aquarius on March 23rd, is on most everyone’s mind. Daniel has been exploring the “shadow” of the sign of Aquarius for many years. Pluto in any sign can reveal its shadow and also what about that sign needs to be composted. Saturn moving through Aquarius has hopefully prepared us for this.
In this seminar, Daniel will contrast the way Aquarius, the sign, has been understood, in contrast to Aquarius the Water Bearer constellation. The past history of Pluto in Aquarius will be featured as well. Practical navigation strategies will be suggested.
As was questioned all the way back in 1969-1970, will the “Age of Aquarius” be technocratic AI collectivism or matristic humanism? The key may be found by including the resonant polarity of Aquarius, which is the autonomous and sovereign individuality of Leo..
April 2023 All School Gathering 
Will You Join Us?
Just over one month to our flagship 
We are delighted to extend another heartfelt invitation 
to all our members, friends and followers.  
Feel free to contact shiva@turningoftheages.com 
with any questions about the event, booking options, dietary requirements etc.  
Looking ahead … 
TOTAMS Astrology Consultations 
Schedule a session today with one of our Certified TOTAMS Astrologers!
Thank you, First name / dear friend, for your participation and support of TOTAMS, a 501c(3) Educational Non-Profit
Totams Team 
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visit us on the web: turningoftheages.com
Consider a tax deductible donation to support TOTAMS and our mission: CLICK HERE