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Hi First name / friend,
Spring is around the corner. 🌱
We're hoping this means new growth in many ways.

Growth in workplace cultures.
Growth in creative thinking.
Growth in connections and compassion.

What growth are you focusing on this spring?
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Links we like on creativity and culture
  1. 39% said they were less stressed, 40% were sleeping better and 54% said it was easier to balance work and home responsibilities. Want to know the catalyst? A four-day week.
  2. Rick Rubin on authenticity, releasing perfection and the view that the audience should come last in any creative endeavour.
  3. Cumbria Libraries have created a fantastic flip book to demonstrate creativity's power in bringing people together.
  4. What do you catch yourself saying when you make a mistake? We're betting that “WHOOHOO” isn't on the list. Every time something goes wrong at 64 Million Artists, we're committing to saying it.
  5. Do you need to collaborate in order to innovate? Join Diana as she chats with Jo Hunter and Dr Sophie Frost all about the importance and need for collaboration when innovating in business.
💡 Read, watched or listened to something that speaks to the power of creative thinking and building better cultures?
Forward it to to get it shared in a future links roundup.
Here's to March!
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from the team at 64 Million Artists
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