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Life of And
Tips, how-to's and encouragement for an abundant life
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Do you have things in your heart that you have been carrying around with you for years? Things that you can see in such vivid detail, but they don’t yet exist? 
For me, I dreamed of being able to travel with my family. To have the financial resources to say ‘yes’ to new experiences, and the growth-muscle to say ‘yes’ to new adventures. 
It took 15 years to get to this picture. This is your reminder, your dreams are relevant. Consistent effort over a long period of time will get you there!

Tip for fresh produce
Do love fresh herbs, but hate that they get gross quickly? Try this tip to keep it fresh longer!

Jumping on the bandwagon
Highly recommend watching the Murdaugh Murders on Netflix. Episode 1 provided a great background for conversation with my teenage girls about walking away from bad situations. 

March Madness with the fam
The hubs loves March Madness but with 4 daughters, we had to make it fun so they would be into it. 
Several years ago we started a tradition:
  • Write all 64 teams’ on individual slips of paper and put them in a bowl
  • Take a piece of paper and write all our names on it and stick it on the fridge
  • One-by-one we draw a team out of the bowl and write it under our names
    • Ex: first team drawn goes under Ivy’s name. Second team drawn goes under ‘mom’, and around and around until all teams are drawn and assigned to someone in our family.
  • When your team loses, you cross it off
  • If you are the lucky one who drew the winning team, you get to pick your favorite restaurant and we all go celebrate!
This simple tradition gets the girls invested in who is winning and it’s a daily competition around who has the most teams left standing.

🎙 What you think matters
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If you’re feeling nervous about the economy, not seeing opportunities in your environment or struggling with how to overcome a big obstacle - this episode with Brian Kavicky is a must-listen. BK has always helped me get my head straight so we can win in any environment - and he delivered on this one.
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