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March 2023
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Dear First name / Friend,
How are you? I'm doing well. Our home remodel (which includes my office - yay) is almost done and I'm excited to move back in and have a real kitchen again. šŸŽ‰ I made an Instagram story highlight if you want to see the progress!
This is the time of year when I start to get antsy for a green landscape, but we are still at least 2 1/2 months from that reality. Thankfully, I spent a week and a half in Florida in February working for Eye Candy Jumpers, which always lifts my spirits and helps me endure the rest of the winter.
The opening photo is me with Becca Tolman, this yearā€™s Eye Candy Photography Scholarship winner, enjoying a night out at WEF, where we watch 5* showjumping. We had a fun time together in Florida; Becca was a sponge for learning, which I absolutely love! She shared her experience recently on Instagram.
This part was my favorite:
ā€œShelley took time every single day to shoot with me. She walked me through her process, and helped me to see things in a whole new way! I canā€™t tell you how many ā€˜ah-haā€™ moments I had! I have been doing photography for a long time and have been BLOWN AWAY at what I have learned and what Iā€™ve been missing for so many years!!!!ā€

Are you still doubting yourself?
What to Do When You Lose Confidence

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When you are behind the camera, who are you thinking about? Are you thinking about how to create the best image for your client, or are you thinking about how your photos will stack up against other photographers you follow online?
Or do you hesitate to post your work online because you worry about what other photographers will think of it?
Guess what? Other photographersā€™ opinions donā€™t matter. They donā€™t define you as a person, artist, or business owner. They donā€™t pay your bills. Those photographers may not even want you to succeed because of jealousy or other fear-based issues.
If you are waiting for validation from your peers to make you feel confident, you will be on a constant roller coaster of emotions - confident one day (omg - that photographer I admire commented on my photo!) and defeated the next (hardly anyone liked my photo and no one commented.)
Itā€™s time to disconnect your sense of worth from the opinions of others and start to believe in yourself, and let your confidence be motivated intrinsically instead of extrinsically.
How do you do this? The biggest thing we need to do is pay attention to our self-talk. When you hear yourself saying things like ā€œI suck as a photographer...ā€ or ā€œIā€™ll never be as good/popular/successful as so and so...ā€ or ā€œIā€™m not even going to post anything because people might think Iā€™m no good...ā€
Ask yourself these three questions about your thoughts (borrowed from Jon Acuffā€™s book ā€œSoundtracks.")
  1. Is it true? (most of your negative self-talk ends right here!)
  2. Is it helpful? (if it is true, is it helpful or just bringing you down?)
  3. Is it kind? (would you say it to your best friend? No? Then why are you saying it to yourself?)
Once youā€™ve asked these questions and concluded your thoughts need changing, then what? Flip it upside down!
ā€œI suck as a photographerā€ turns into ā€œIā€™m growing as a photographer - look how far Iā€™ve come in the last year!ā€
ā€œIā€™ll never be as good/popular/successful as so and so...ā€ turned into, ā€œIā€™m writing my own story, and itā€™s not worthy of comparison.ā€
ā€œIā€™m not even going to post anything because people might think Iā€™m no good...ā€ turns into ā€œIā€™m going to post this photo because I like it. Itā€™s okay if others donā€™t.ā€
Let me be very honest with you ā€“ you ARE good enough. Your work IS worth putting out into the world. Yes, you may not be where you want to be yet as a photographer or you may be mired in self-doubt, but the world needs your art and your heart. Be generous with both!

The cat is out of the bag! 
Thereā€™s an app coming thatā€™s just for you!

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On my Instagram stories yesterday, I shared the first sneak peek of a new mobile app Iā€™m working on for Equestrian Photographers, and the response has been BIG! My goal for March is to get this baby launched.
The Equestrian Photography App will include
  • Posing Inspiration - photos of my go-to poses to help you when you get stuck during a session.
  • Horse Whinnies - a player for the horse whinny sounds Iā€™ve been using effectively for over 15 years!
  • Posing Prompts - ways to direct your subject along with phrases you can say to get your subject engaged with their horse in a meaningful way during a session.
  • Tips & Tutorials - this section will link to my education blog, where I put newsletter articles and Mentoring Monday post content.
  • Affirmations - when you feel like you arenā€™t good enough or need a pick-me-up, go to this part of the app for motivation and affirmation.
  • Creative Ideas - have you ever been in the middle of a session and felt like you lacked creativity? Go to this section and find ideas for how to mix things up and level up your creativity.
  • YouTube Videos - watch all my YouTube videos right in the app! Once my home remodel is done and I have my studio set up again, I plan to start making more YouTube videos!
If you want to be the first to know when itā€™s available, join this waiting list!


šŸ“˜ Read
by David DuChemin.
Are you bored with your photography? This blog post might help you get out of your rut!
by Kieran Drew
Like it or not, if youā€™re creating content online, you are writing. And writing in a concise, compelling way will make a big difference in how you reach your audience. These tips are GOLD!
šŸ“ŗ Watch
by Matt Kloskowski
Prepare to have your mind blown. This tip in Photoshop makes selections even more precise. I tried it with a black background, and it was amazing how well it selected hair and other detail around the horse!
šŸŽ§ Listen
With all my travel in February, I favored podcasts over books. Here are some of the episodes that stood out to me!
by The Futur featuring Paco de Leon
Wow, this podcast episode left me wanting to focus more on finances, something I tend to shy away from. Also, thereā€™s a whole conversation about why creatives should be charging more. Iā€™m partway through Pacoā€™s book because I loved what she had to say and how she said it.
by the Minimalists
If youā€™re like me, you struggle with perfectionism. This episode gave me insight into why I have these tendencies and how to turn them into strengths. I also put the podcast guestā€™s book on my wishlist!


I sincerely hope you are enjoying the Pegasus Journal. If you know of another photographer you think might benefit from these emails, would you consider sharing it email with them? Thank you!


And, as always, if there's anything I can do to help you grow as a photographer, please reach out by hitting reply to this email. šŸ˜Š


Until next timeā€¦




Recently on Instagramā€¦
