It's Friday, which means a Five Dot morning coffee chat.
(He was given a bite, don't worry.)
I hope you had a wonderful week! It's still rainy out here and we are OVER IT! I was promised nice winters when I moved from NY to CA, I would like a refund lol. Speaking of moving though…your girl is headed south. I have had the best time in Long Beach, but I always knew it was my landing place to get my California bearings. San Diego has stolen my heart, and Thor and I will be calling it home starting late summer. It's bittersweet to leave this place that nurtured me back to myself after the hardest season of my life. Moving here was like stepping off a cliff into the unknown, but ended up being everything I hoped it could be. This is just the next chapter in “living big” for Tommy, and for myself. I'm looking forward to putting down roots in a place that I can see being a wonderful home for a long while. Keep following what feeling like joy for you, and have a wonderful weekend. <3
See you next Friday.