Dear First name / friend,
“All of us are tempted to wear a mask when: We want to prove to others that we’re worthy of their love. We want to prove to ourselves that we’re worthy of being loved. We want others not to feel sorry for us. We fear if others see us truly, they won’t want to know us. We want to be seen as great.”  ~ Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, John S. Lynch, The Cure: What if God isn't who you think he is and neither are you? 
“All masks are the product of pretending something in our lives is true, even if experience denies it.” *
What mask are you wearing? For so long, I believed that I had to prove or earn the love of others. My parents didn't teach me this, but somehow I “caught” it and held onto it for dear life. This mask or lie served me for sometime, because it brought about behaviors that society praises--good work ethic, efficiency, and effectiveness. However, it also bred perfectionism which gave me an unhealthy view of God. I somehow felt that if I failed in life, I failed God and that the amount of God I received was equal to the amount of effort I put into our relationship. Wrong!
I already have as much of God as I need, and I don't have to earn anything. Neither do you. He lives in me and I am in Him. “He never moves, never covers His ears when you sin, never puts up a newspaper, never turns His back. He's not over on the other side of your sin, waiting for you to get it together so you can finally be close.”*
What mask are you wearing? What lie are you believing even if your experience says it isn't true? Today, call out your lie and replace it with truth so that you can “rediscover the true face of Jesus.” *
*Quote from The Cure referenced above. 
p.s. Need help exploring your masks? Book a call
p.s.s. Did you catch my guest appearance on the Simply Wholehearted Podcast?