Writing the Graphic Novel Syllabus Preview 
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All the best,
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Week 1:
Comics 101 + Anatomy of a Script Part 1
We’ll start by getting you up to speed on the world of comics, and build your comics and script writing vocabulary.
Week 2:
Anatomy of a Script Part 2
Week two confirms that there is no one way to write comics but points you in the direction of where to start. And we cover the hallmarks of a novice script.
Week 3:
Pre-Work: Plot, Character, and Setting
In week three, we’ll work backward from finished graphic novels to understand the importance of outlining. From there, we’ll begin our three-week study of the complete comic writing process.
Also, we’ll look at writing comprehensive character and setting descriptions.
Week 4:
Subjects, Transitions and Thumbnails
After thinking big picture,
week four is about selecting the individual panels and building them into pages and how doodling thumbnails is a great way to unlock the flow of your story.
Week 5:
Script Drafting
The script finally comes to life in week five as we examine tools which make drafting easier,
and you’ll learn how to best put the images in your heads (and your thumbnails) into words.
Week 6:
Proposals, Publishing, & Providing Feedback
The final week covers current means of publishing, as well as balancing working with an illustrator.
Time will be set-aside to expand on previous content or to have a short dive into storytelling techniques unique to comics.