Hi First name / friend,

Today, we're bringing you a special edition of Neighbourhood! Yes, we're going head-to-toe in sequins here people! Are you ready for it?  

This edition is all about the in-person connections we're creating with each other and the gatherings/events we're hosting to help make them happen.


Because relationships are everything! When we are connected to each other, we are more than the sum of our parts. Way more.

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When Jill, Agne and Heather visited small, powerful groups in Rotterdam back in January, they spoke of one moment that really stayed with them…

It wasn't fancy.
There was no cool venue.
Or expert speaker.
Or decorations.

Nope. There were chairs, people and food.

But to the community, it was a big deal. And it happened once a month. It was a monthly gathering where group members got to share, celebrate successes, discuss challenges and exchange skills. And we're going to trial something similar here.

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Meet / Share / Eat will be a monthly gathering and potluck meal starting Monday 20 March, 5.30-7.30 PM.
And the idea comes from small, powerful groups in Rotterdam! At our first event, we’re going to hear from Jill and Agne who visited groups in the Netherlands earlier this year.

5.30-7 – Sharing of stories/conversation
7-7.30 – Sharing of food potluck style. Bring one dish to share with the community. 

Drinks, plates and cutlery will be provided.

Venue: The Studio 567 Dumbarton Road Partick, G11 6HU / 5.30-7.30pm
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You Spoke. We Listened.
We're now offering a range of virtual, daytime and evening events to ensure that we're as accessible as we need to be. Every Monday, we'll release a ‘Monday Memo' detailing all upcoming events in one handy little place. See our latest one below and click here to access our full events page.
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And that's it! If you have any suggestions for events or how we can be our better selves, please give us a knock. We want ‘you’ to continue to shape this community.

The biggest hug from Glasgow, 
Small, Powerful Groups by WEvolution x