First name / My friend,
Have you ever had those seasons of life where you feel like you're constantly asking yourself…
“Why does everything feel so hard?!” 🤦🏼‍♀️
“Why is nothing working?!?”

Before I realized I was in a season of rebirth, I felt like I was spinning my wheels over and over and over…

And nothing was working. I felt stuck. Frustrated. Angry. Confused.

Right before I became a mom, my Instagram and business were blowing up. I was totally ~in flow~. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be.

I gave birth to my daughter, took a few months off, and then figured I’d step righttttt back in where I left off. No problem, right?!

Except when I came back, something no longer felt right. I kept trying to do things my old way, following a tried and true formula that ALWAYS worked…

But it wasn’t working. I was losing followers (I’ve lost 10k in 10 months), but more importantly… I wasn’t having fun creating. 

I didn’t want to run my business the same way anymore.
I didn’t want to talk about the same things.
I felt totally boxed in (a box that I’d created!) and I felt resentful about it. 

What I realize now is that I’m being reborn.
I’m shifting and evolving.
I’m healing old patterns that have been trudged up by motherhood.
I’m getting to know a new version of me. 

Life transitions (whether it’s parenthood, breakups, moving, death) are meant to transform us…

Yet we almost have this obsession with how we can navigate change the fastest and remain the most UNchanged by it, ya know?

✋🏼Have a baby but then “get your body back”, be the person you were before, and go back to work in 12 weeks!

🙄Go through a breakup and be sad, but not sad for too long! Move on. Get over it. Show everyone that you’re totally okay.

🤨Move cross country, make friends, figure it out. You decided to do this so don’t be sad about it!

I just think it’s completely unrealistic and honestly… damaging, for us to think we should always be able to navigate life in this perfectly even-keeled, unchanging way.

✨Especially✨ if you’re a sensitive soul.

This life is MEANT to be experienced and felt. You’re going to have seasons of effortless flow and you’re going to have season of darkness and “WTF is happening” and both are beautiful and necessary. 🦋
If, like me, you're in a season of transformation and rebirth, I'm hosting a Sensitive & Soulful Vault Workshop called The HSP Healing Journey on April 10th which will be a warm, loving, healing balm to your sensitive soul.
In this 60-75 min workshop, we'll be covering…
  • What your painful experiences are teaching you as a sensitive soul
  • How to surrender and step into the next, more magnificent version of yourself
  • Ways you can become your own best healer
  • How to understand your triggers and use them as opportunities for growth
If you'd like to join us for this workshop on April 10th, there are two ways for you to do so:
  1. Become a member of the Sensitive & Soulful Vault
  2. OR get the HSP Healing Package
I knowwww it can all feel like a lot sometimes. I want to help you find peace, surrender, and healing in whatever season you're in.
Join us on April 10th for this experience.

xo, Alissa
