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Hi First name / friend,
Today is mostly cloudy, with a high chance of creativity.
This email is a little later than usual. That's sometimes how life is. Some months, things take a little longer to put out.
At 64 Million Artists, we embrace the twists and turns of busy small organisation life. May this remind you and your teammates to put your wellbeing first. ✨
To make up for it, we've ensured that April's issue of The Creative Switch is jam-packed with goodness.
We're offering up a few more links on creativity and culture than usual, sharing our secret to bringing our team closer during team meetings and introducing some new faces to the 64MA team!
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Links on creativity and culture
  1. “Equality isn’t equality if it isn’t for everyone” - we found Oxfam's Inclusive Language Guide very helpful this month.
  2. We are ALL creative. Jo Hunter and Cat Preston (The Collective Wisdom Podcast) on transcending traditional ideas, rules, and patterns, and making new ones.
  3. The Unlimited Partner Awards supports disabled artists with opportunities to create extraordinary new work. Check out the brilliantly creative artists and companies receiving UK and International Partner Awards in 2022/23. 
  4. For when you want to get things out of your head quickly and look at them on the page, Austin Kleon shares a creative alternative to free writing.
  5. The fantastic team at Cumbria Libraries created a 'Zine' that celebrates their creative journey with The January Challenge 2023.
  6. “For all the little boys and girls who look like me watching tonight, this is a beacon of hope and possibility”. We're sure you've seen Michelle Yeoh's speech, but it's worth another watch.
💡 Read, watched or listened to something that speaks to the power of creative thinking and building better cultures?
Forward it to to get it shared in a future links roundup.
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Creative prompts for meetings
Did you know that 64 Million Artists collaborates with a different person or community each week to produce a creative challenge that invites 18k+ people on our creative Challenge mailing list to try out?
Here at 64MA, we always use these creative prompts to kickstart our weekly team meetings. They're a great way of creatively opening up the space and starting with something simple and gentle that joyfully invites the team to reflect for a few minutes before diving into the usual agenda. With a team of nine, this takes us about 10 minutes max, and all you usually need is a piece of paper and a pen...or your imagination!
Why not check out the creative challenges from the last month and try one out in your next meeting? You never know what new conversations it might create.

Let us know how it goes! @64millionartists
Meet our newest team members
Here's to Spring! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
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The team at 64 Million Artists
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