October 2023

Hi First name / everyone I hope this newsletter finds you well? Okay, confession time; I might have lied about this newsletter being about the Masai Mara… So if you signed up just for that, I am sorry. It wasn't intentional, I just haven't had the time to go through all of the images properly yet. I have a few days break towards the end of the month so I promise the Mara images will be in next Novembers newsletter!
This newsletter though was meant to be sent out seven months ago! The delay was partly because there are so many things I have wanted to share between then and now, but mostly because I couldn't find the right words to accompany it. As I slowly make my way through editing my 13000 Masai Mara images, I thought this would be a perfect time to send it out! So here it is, my "March" Nxai Pan National Park trip report, and newsletter #39! I hope you enjoy!
- William
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Some of you may have seen on my social media that I was heading to Nxai Pan for a short personal trip in March this year. Every time I have a gap in my work schedule I love to make the most of the national parks around me. While I love Nxai Pan in the dry season, I have never visited the park in rainy season or the months straight after. I knew April would be a lot more challenging but as always I believe there is beauty to be found everywhere! 
So seven months after the trip, I thought I would start by sharing images that are even older than that… I know, I know… even I am struggling to keep up! But it is hard to do a comparison without having something to compare it too! So here are some of my favourite images of Nxai Pan National Park in the dry season;
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I am sure from the last few images you can see why I love this remote park. Having never explored it in the wet season, it was always going to be a gamble photographically. But that is exactly what these recce style trips are all about! 
In truth, it wasn't a very productive trip, and I guess that is why I have reservedly kept from sharing the images. But in true newsletter fashion, I think it is important to share the good with the bad, and appreciate the smaller beauties that the wild has to offer. 
With five days of seeing no big predators, and an abundance of water meaning nothing came to the waterholes, it was a dog fight to get something… anything! So here are a few images that we found along the way, that I am at least partially proud of. I hope you enjoy!
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Regardless of how a trips sightings go, it is always just a pleasure to be out in nature. While photographically this may have been a bit of a damp squib, we are so fortunate to live in this part of the world, and to be able to explore these amazing parks. 
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In August I had the amazing honour to be asked by Sigma Global to test the latest addition to the Sigma lineup, the 100-400mm contemporary for Fujifilm x mount. Not only was it a great opportunity to see new gear before its release, but most importantly, to be able work with sigma on the promotional video and content for its launch. Finally the lens has launched and you can watch my short film about it below. I would love to know what you think!
I have to say a huge thank you to Storm for all her amazing filming and BTS shots. I am certainly not the easiest person to work with on projects like this, so thank you! And also thank you Sigma South Africa for making this happen. 
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I know I am making you wait a long time for this, but next month I will be sharing my favourite images from my trip to the Masai Mara… trust me its worth the wait!
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Thank you as always for reading and I cannot wait to hear what you think of this months newsletter! The next newsletter is coming soon, so make sure you have signed up and feel free to forward it to your friends!

