Good Afternoon  - Lynn here.
Popping in to say hi, sharing a personal story, and an energy tip for your week ahead.
Do you remember the Mosquito ringtone?
It was a popular trend among kids with cell phones years ago, including mine, when they were in junior high. The ring tone was a high-pitched frequency that only they could hear. This sound was undetectable by adults, making it the perfect way for kids to use their phones without getting caught by their parents or teachers.  My kids thought it was hilarious.
This ringtone came to mind as I prepared for this week's energy topic: understanding our individual sensory abilities and how they shape our perceptions of the world.
As humans, we each have a unique set of senses that help us understand and interact with the world around us. However, what's really fascinating is how our sensory abilities can differ from one another. Some people might hear sounds that others can't, see colors differently, or have heightened intuition.
For example, one of my friends with hearing loss can read lips with remarkable accuracy, while another friend can play an exceptional game of tennis with double vision in one eye. Others can uncannily detect when someone is lying or being insincere. These abilities are part of our unique personalities, shaped by a complicated relationship of genes, experiences, and environment.
I discovered my unique sensory abilities through an unlikely source - the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test. As an INFJ, I was struck by how accurately the MBTI described my inner world. INFJs are known for their strong intuition and deep empathy; everything suddenly made sense.
However, being highly sensitive and empathetic can sometimes feel overwhelming. 
It took me years to understand this about myself as I suffered from anxiety and mild depression for a long time. If I had known more about the effects of energy on the nervous system, I believe I could have limited these negative emotions.
Nowadays, I manage my energy and protect my boundaries using practices like meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing. Many people suffer unnecessarily because they don't fully understand their unique sensory abilities.
That's why I encourage you to take the MBTI personality test on Personality Hacker and explore the resources available on their website. This tool can provide valuable insights into your inner wiring and help you better understand your unique sensory abilities. 
Let's promote change and learn more about ourselves and each other!
Energy Tip: Take some time this week to reflect on your individual sensory abilities and how they shape your perception of the world.
Feel free to contact me for any questions or if you want to dive deeper into energy healing. I'm here to support you on your journey and provide guidance and resources to help you thrive.
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Love + Wellness to you.
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