Wholehearted Living with Jill
April 2023 Newsletter
If you want better answers from life, start asking better questions.
Dear friend,
 As I sit down to write this first edition of my Newsletter, Wholehearted Living with Jill, I can feel my perfectionist self creeping in. I have been a recovering perfectionist for several years now, but let’s face it… it never fully goes away. However, I have gotten better at identifying it and taking proper action in response.
My highest goal for this project is to bring you the heat 🔥 each month, but with that comes an all too familiar tightness in my chest, shallowed breathing and the pressure is on… the pressure I put on myself when something really matters to me.
This is when listening to your inner guidance is most important. When we get lost in pleasing, performing or perfecting, our focus narrows on the “outside things” in which we have zero control. In a nutshell, fear takes over and we lose sight of our greater purpose. Yes, “what will other people think about me” is a classic example of an outside force that we have no control over - so let that go!
Instead, we can choose to get unstuck by redirecting our attention to within ourselves and ask the important questions.

Not sure where to begin?
Here are top-notch questions to keep you moving forward with purpose:
1. What is my goal? Get clear and specific about what you really want to accomplish.
2. Why is this important to me? Your WHY is what brings your passion, talents and values front and center. Lean into the goodness.
3. How can I redirect myself to accomplish this goal? This aligned action moves the needle of progress in a profound way, but is oftentimes simple so don’t overthink it.
Try easier, as my friend and fellow coach, Lauren, says. 😉 
4. What do I need to hear right now? Self compassion allows you to be human, make mistakes and value learning over perfection. Go easy on yourself and anchor to a mantra that lifts you up!
As a life coach, I help clients find the courage to navigate challenges like perfectionism and countless other aspects of being human that are difficult. Why put so much work into these areas? Because ignoring them or pushing them down will only lead to more stress, stuckness and overwhelm over time. Conversely, getting curious and intentional feels better, yields a better outcome and I promise it gets easier with practice.♥
What I know for sure is that these are the moments to step forward in your life with openness, curiosity and self-compassion. Life truly is a journey and we are all learning as we grow!
If this Newsletter was helpful, I'd love to hear from you and celebrate your progress over perfection! Just hit reply to this email to let me know.

I'm so glad you're here,


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Goodies from the 'Gram...
