Happy Friday! How are you doing? What is “the written word” making you feel or think about? I hope you have had or will get a chance to play around with it!
Please remember that the amount of time we have available to create will ebb and flow throughout the year. If you haven't had as much of it lately, it's OK. Wherever you are in this process--whether you're working on this week's prompt or catching up or taking a break--is where you need to be. You can always go back and look at any of the prompts and pick up where you left off!
And if you feel the desire to create but have had a lot going on, I hope you'll give yourself 5 minutes (literally--set a timer if that helps!) to doodle, color, collage, write, etc. It might not seem like a lot of time, but I'm a fan of doing a little bit when you can vs. doing nothing at all--especially when it comes to things that bring you joy or that you really want to do!
If you've joined in on the snail mail swap, thank you! And to those of you who have already sent out your mail, double thank you! If you're still working on it (like me :)) this is a gentle reminder to please send your items out by this Monday, April 17th.
Below is a little bit more about my own process and timing, and a few more bits of inspiration!