First name / ,,
It's my birthday weekend, and as a person who loves celebrating everything, I'm embracing it. 
As for the celebration itself, some years I'm in the mood for something super low-key, and some years I want a PARTY. Sadly, the last time I had a capital-P Party, lots of people got Covid. (Thankfully everyone was fine!) This year we're doing something in the middle and having some of our North Fork neighborhood friends over for dinner. There will be flowers and a playlist and mayyyybe a sparkly shirt for me :) 
Since I'm turning 43, here 43 short sentences that I try really hard to live by: 
  1. Jump Right In!
  2. Do things that scare you.
  3. People never forget the way you make them feel (Thank you for that one, Dr. Maya Angelou.)
  4. Family is everything.
  5. Move your body every day.
  6. Seasons pass. They always do.
  7. Walk, walk, walk.
  8. Surround yourself with people who make you feel sparkly.
  9. Let go.
  10. Leave empty space in your calendar.
  11. One foot in front of the other.
  12. Speak up, especially when it’s hard.
  13. Believe in yourself.
  14. Say no when you mean no, kindly and swiftly.
  15. Find your community. If you can’t find it, build it.
  16. Travel as much as you can.
  17. Be overly generous.
  18. Intentionally learn from people who are different than you.
  19. Wear sunscreen every day.
  20. Read for pleasure.
  21. Take naps.
  22. Give really good hugs.
  23. When it’s time to leave, leave.
  24. Care less about what people think of you.
  25. Feel your feelings.
  26. Hype up your friends.
  27. Call your parents.
  28. Be a lifelong learner.
  29. Get good at talking about hard things.
  30. Show up.
  31. Show appreciation.
  32. Start before you’re ready.
  33. Wear whatever the F you want.
  34. Eat good food, drink good wine.
  35. Take breaks.
  36. You can do absolutely anything.
  37. In general, people do what they want to do.
  38. You’re not to old and it’s not too late.
  39. Embrace winter.
  40. Spend time making the world a better place.
  41. Give compliments freely.
  42. Tell the people you love that you love them.
  43. Celebrate everything, all the time!
Tell me, which ones stood out to you the most and why?
Hope your week is going swell!
xx, Leah

PPS Do you have suggestions to add to my Motown / Pop playlist?  Would love to hear!
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