Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your May energetic update!
How are y'all hanging in there? We kick off May in the middle of eclipses and Mercury Retrograde. That's a lot of energy! In my 4/20 eclipse event I mentioned how tying all of this energy together was like Astrology gymnastics. So many opposing things to make sense of. My brain was doing flips but we got it done. Fresh starts…but not full stories emerging…but wait for it to take more form bc of retro…but also things are coming to a close in another area…lol. It's the ultimate hands up and trust moment. It's karmic shift time and the more we try to force/control the more frustrations will pop up. Trust yourself. Listen to your gut. 
Mercury Retrograde ends 5/14 : 
I feel like the Mercury retro is more helpful than a nuisance during this time. It's providing a pause to get organized, integrate, reflect, reassess and reconnect during the shifts of the eclipses. There may still be some unanswered questions lingering or unclarity but things are definitely in motion. There also could be more to the story - things can continue to be added. Things from the past can come back around now. This specific Mercury Retro can also bring up insecurity, self doubt and security/money themes - feel it, get curious about where the source of those feelings come from. It could be old stories. Once Mercury goes direct, the eclipse stories will be more clear! (check back to last month's newsletter for how to find out how this is impacting your personal chart)
Eclipses :
The 4/20 eclipse was the first in Aries of an 18 mo story - it will be built upon. The 5/5 eclipse is the last of an 18 month story - it is wrapping up a story. Scorpio full moons are no joke. An eclipse in Scorpio? Prepare to shed some things. This eclipse has a tie to the April/May '22 and Oct/Nov '22 eclipses. What was happening in your life around those times? Do you see a through line emerging or completing? I tend to notice, for most not all, that if the previous eclipse cycle (every 6mo) was massive, the next one is calmer and focused on integrating. I personally keep a note in my phone of what's happening around eclipses - 2 weeks before the first one and 2 weeks after the 2nd one. You can also go back and look at your calendar during those times to get the tea.
Jupiter moves into Taurus!
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance, travel, learning and spirituality moves into Taurus, the sign of security, money, worthiness, steadiness - the combo? It's time to be boujee y'all! Jupiter spends just a little longer than 1yr in each sign. So, it is a big deal when it moves signs. It hasn't been in Taurus since 2011 / 2012. This past year, in Aries, Jupiter urged us to make our own opportunities, to believe in ourselves, and to take charge of our lives. Now, in Taurus, it will have us seeking tangible results. One watch out is that Jupiter has a “more is more” mentality so keep a lid on overindulging and overspending while in Taurus. Where is Taurus in your birth chart? (could be in 2 houses). This area of your life is about to be blessed for the next year! More luck, ease and expansion is coming in! Once you've found Taurus in your chart, find out what it means for you here - https://cafeastrology.com/jupiter_transits_houses.html 
May is a 3 Universal Month in Numerology. 
(2023 is a 7yr)
Collectively for the Universal 7 year, May is a 3 month. A 3 month is a fun one! It's all about being curious, creative, social and finding your voice. Tied with the 7 year - learning, speaking, teaching, writing about creative or spiritual things, re-igniting a creative or spiritual practice (mercury retro). Against the background of self-reflection and soul-searching year, this month's sense of fun gives a spring in our step. It could be a busier month in general so make sure you don't over commit. The challenges the 3 can bring is possible uncomfortable conversations that need to be had - all for the better though. We are meant to find our voices and sometimes that comes with standing up for yourself. But seriously, the 3 is mainly light hearted! Be a bit more spontaneous, take a trip, say yes to plans more if you've been more in hermit mode - emerge! Is your mind satiated? Give it something to learn or be the one to share the insights to others. Write out your feelings. Talk out your feelings. Share in whatever form you prefer. Start building something you are passionate about. Collaborate!! 
*I feel like the lighter side of this energy gets turned on the 2nd half of the month once mercury goes direct :) 
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.

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The card of the month is the 5 of Cups. Well shoot. We finally got a tough one in the newsletter. This card asks us to sit with the uncomfortable emotions that are coming up. Feelings of grief, disappointment, abandonment, loss, loneliness are all common themes with this card. I know, womp womp, right? But with the combination of mercury retro in the sign of worthiness and the intense scorpio eclipse releasing things holding us back - I feel like this card represents us being free from this energy. This card always represents how we can easily focus on all the bad things, or lack of things, going on in our life. But if we took the time to pan out and see all the good things going on, we could shift out of this funky energy. What if we faced the source of these feelings head on? Are you holding on to anger, frustration or resentment? As the saying goes, holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. How are past disappointments getting in the way of your present and future? Can you let it go? Can you forgive? Can you take ownership of your own shadow parts? Let's let go of the pessimistic outlook as we exit this heavy energy. Let's also thank the heavy energy for exposing these things so that we are able to let them go and feel lighter.

Want a more in depth look into it all and how it impacts you specifically? You can always book a 1:1 reading with me or come to my moon events ($15) where I deep dive the above and show you how to find where it's impacting your chart! 
Book a Reading - Usually I release my schedule on the 3rd Monday of each month but life is so unpredictable for me at the moment that I have to release dates on a week by week basis. So, if you are looking to get in, keep an eye out on the booking link HERE.
Join Astro Curious If you want to create a spiritual / self care practice surrounding the moon cycles, nerd out of all things spiritual, have community, direct access to me, get in flow with the cosmic cycles and get exclusive workshops and discounts to things I do that are open to non-members then this is for you! I mean, Saturn is in Pisces and it's a 7 year - let's get witchy! But seriously - it is my favorite thing and I love seeing everyone so in flow with themselves and the energy. It's $25/ mo and cancel anytime. JOIN HERE 
Astrology Course - Mastering the Birth Chart - Catch the vibes of the course it by watching this video :

On a personal note : 
As I sit and type this, the sun has chosen to finally emerge the past week in Portland. I mean, I am used to having a rough winter guys - living in Chicago for 13yrs had me trained. But having a rough winter while having no social life? Oof! But now I can enjoy the beautiful hikes and everything Portland has to offer. I even got to ride in a hot air balloon at a tulip farm last weekend - Portland thangsss. 
The 4/20 eclipse hit my 6th house and of course I found myself getting the Oura ring and ordering a 23&me kit. I am also focusing in on why my body is so sensitive and deep diving the mind body connection more than ever. I had a beautiful reading with Equuarius : http://equuarius.com where a lot came up and she recommended the Book : Messages from the Body  that I am currently diving into. I also just did a workshop with Olivia (https://livnourishednutrition.com) about the connection of the moon cycles and our feminine cycle with a look at the connection of the health houses (6th & 12th). I'd say the 6th house themes surrounded me haha!
This 5/5 eclipse is exact on my ascendant and I am a little weary about it tbh - that's a big shift in identity emerging. The last 6 months have me bracing for impact but I am also hopeful that it could be a positive shift rather than another gut punch! 
Have a lovely month ahead,
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