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If you haven't jumped on the Red Mountain train, NOW is the time. The first in the series is $0.99 on Kindle at the moment. This is the book that brought me my voice. This is the book that changed my life. This is the book that I compare all others too. It is all of me, raw, unafraid, and free.
Funnily enough, it's my lowest rated book on Amazon. At the same time, it's the one that people write me about most often, saying it's one of their favorites of all time and that it even changed their lives.
Reminds me to keep reading the books that only get 4 stars on Amazon. They might simply cut a little deeper, drawing controversy, bringing out passionate negative reviews. My fave movie ever only got 63% on Rotten Tomatoes. Nope, not gonna tell you what it is, as then I'll have to defend it, and I have a book to write for you.
To this end, I have a favor to ask of you. If you have read Red Mountain, would you please consider leaving an honest review on Amazon? There is no tool more powerful in spreading the word. Even one sentence makes a huge difference. Just tap here and then click, “Write a customer review.” 
While we wait for the right film production team to snatch up the rights, know that we're getting closer and that the stories of Red Mountain are not done by a long shot. I woke up at four this morning with one heck of an idea to include in the next book in the series. No, I don't know when that will be, but I can assure you the characters of Red Mountain are alive and kicking in my imagination, and they're desperate for more page time. I will one day give it to 'em.
Some form of a legible draft of my WIP is due to my agent May 19th, so I best get back to it.

All my love,
Boo Walker
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