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The Health Up Newsletter
Created Weekly by Teri Yunus 
Health Up With Teri Health & Wellness Coaching

June 1, 2023 | issue 143

What's Inside This Week:
  1. Self-Care Summer!
  2. The Full Body Workout
  3. Lectins - What's That About?
  4. Did You Know?
  5. Recipe of the Week
  6. Health Tip Tuesday!
  7. Resource Tip of the Week
  8. My Favorite Quotes

Self-Care Summer!
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When you read the title, what came up for you? What does self-care mean to you? So often, we think that taking care of ourselves is selfish or self-centered. Let me offer a different perspective. What if taking care of yourself was essential? What if not taking care of yourself lead to you not being able to participate in family activities or not being able to take care of those you love? When we think of it that way, it feels more important…maybe less selfish and more self-full. Allow me to give you permission right now to take care of yourself and make it a self-care summer!
Self-care means something different to all of us. For some, it may be taking a bubble bath in a candlelit room with soft music (that does sound kind of nice) and for others it may be taking a short break during a busy work day. You may not even know what self-care means to you. Below is a list of self-care “acts” that people enjoy. What stands out for you? What feels like an indulgence you don’t typically afford yourself?
  • Hiring a babysitter for a night out with your spouse or friends
  • Taking a long walk in a nature environment like the woods or lakeside
  • Hiring a high schooler on summer break to do some food prep for you
  • Sitting in a quiet room reading a good book
  • Taking a ‘mental health’ day off work even when you are not sick
  • Eating healthy fruits and vegetables to nourish your body
  • Going to bed by 10pm (or earlier!)
  • Declining an invite for an event you don’t really care to attend (but may feel obligated)
  • Going on a long bike ride with the sun on your face and breeze in your hair
  • Visiting a neighbor or friend that you just haven’t had time to see
  • Signing up for that yoga or dance class that you’ve been hearing so much about
  • Taking an afternoon nap…just because
This is not an inclusive list…if none of these stand out to you, think of your own. Maybe it’s a vacation to the mountains for a hiking expedition. Think big! And think small. Self-care is something we can do every day with practice. Taking the time to care for ourselves not only benefits you but your family will notice a happier person to live with. This summer, think self-care. It’s the perfect time to start a practice caring for yourself. Self-care is self-love and we all need more of that! Love is the answer! 
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The Full Body Workout
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Starting an exercise routine can seem daunting to many of us. Here are some ideas on how you can get a full body workout at home. Anytime you begin a movement program, know your limitations and don't overdo it. You will regret it…there may be pain or excessive soreness that keeps you from continuing. So start slow and build as you gain strength and endurance. Use weights that are suitable for your ability and increase when they feel too easy. Push yourself…gently!
Here are 2 sets of workout suggestions. You may consider alternating days and doing lower body on even days and upper body on odd days (or however you choose!). We do know that working the same muscles every day may not be beneficial and a day of rest is a good thing. 
Lower Body Workout
Dumbbells (*weight of your choice…not too heavy)
3 Sets of 8-10 reps each
*Goblet Squats (check YouTube for form)
*Romanian deadlift (check YouTube for form)
*Walking lunges
*Step ups
*Glute bridges
*Calf raises
Plank - hold for 30 seconds (may need to start lower, that's okay…increase time as desired working up to 1-2 minutes)
Upper Body Workout
Dumbbells (weight of your choice…not too heavy to start)
3 sets of 8-10 reps each
*Chest Press
*Bent over rows
*Shoulder press
*Bicep curls
*Tricep curls
*Lateral raises
Plank - hold for 30 seconds (may need to start lower…increase to push yourself gently). 
You may not be familiar with all these movements. YouTube videos can demonstrate all of them. None are excessively difficult. Listen to your body. If 3 sets of 8 is too much to start then start with 1 set…just start. As I say so often…starting is the hardest part. You can do this. Your energy level will thank you and you will start noticing definition in your muscles and shifting of your body. Exercise is not recommended for weight loss…it's for muscle building, toning and strengthening…all good things. 
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Lectins - What's That About?
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Have you ever worried about lectins if you even heard of them? Most people were not aware of lectins in food…until a book called, The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers of ‘Healthy’ Foods The Cause Disease and Weight Gain. The book was written by Dr. Steven Gundry and tries to persuade readers that lectins are toxic. This is not supported with scientific evidence and has caused a great deal of confusion for many healthy eaters. Let's clear some of this up. 
Lectins are proteins that bind carbohydrates and are found in all plants as well as many animal foods. The highest amounts are found in raw beans and whole grains. Have you ever considered eating raw beans or whole grains? If so, it undoubtedly made you quite ill. The thing is…we don't eat raw beans or whole grains. Raw beans can be poisonous! And they can break your teeth!
Dr. Gundry asserts that the properties in lectins (that are a form of defense against predators like insects) can bind to cells and cause gut issues that can lead to inflammatory diseases. This may be true if we were eating raw beans…but we are not. Cooking raw beans and whole grains inactivates the harmful lectins found in the raw form of these healthy foods. Lectins in some foods are not harmful at all…tomatoes, lentils, chickpeas and peas are not toxic at all and the other nutrients in these foods are well documented. Think about the healthiest populations on the planet…those who live in the Blue Zones (the 5 places in the world where people live to be centenarians with active lives). The cornerstone of the diets in most of these places is beans! There's a paradox for ya! If Dr. Gundry's theory was correct…how on earth are these populations thriving?
Lectins have been associated with anti-cancer properties, too. Studies have shown that they can bind preferentially to the surface of cancer cells and induce cancer cell death. We know from Dr. Michael Greger's reporting of the scientific literature that the best thing we can do for our health is to eat beans. The healthiest people eat beans with every meal.
The bottom line is to know your source and what is behind it. The author of The Plant Paradox has a solution for you…he will sell you his monthly supplement that will offset the ill effects of lectins for less than $100 per month. This is a major red flag for me! I, nor anyone else, need to spend our hard earned dollars on a product to resolve a non-issue! Cook your beans. Cook your whole grains. And eat them often…they truly are some of the healthiest foods on the planet. 
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Eating just a single egg a week appeared to increase the odds of diabetes by 76%. Two eggs a week appeared to double the odds, and just a single egg a day tripled the odds. Three times greater risk of type 2 diabetes, one of the leading causes of death and amputations, blindness, and kidney failure.
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Recipe of the Week
Simple Slaw
Simple Slaw
Julieanna Hever, The Plant Based Dietician recently posted this Simple Slaw recipe on FB. She says sometimes, the best and healthiest meal is one you can throw together quickly, chew and savor slowly, and stay satisfied for hours. Pre-chopped veggies are one of the greatest convenience foods, as they save so much time and enable you to enjoy more of the healthiest foods on the planet. 
12 oz bag of broccoli slaw
1 (15 oz) can chickpeas or white kidney beans, drained and rinsed
¼ cup chopped sun-dried tomatoes (packed in water)
4 tablespoons tahini or ¼ cup cashews
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 garlic cloves, minced (you can buy this already minced, too!)
2 teaspoons low-sodium tamari
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
6 tablespoons water or plant milk
  1. In a blender, combine tahini. lemon juice, garlic, tamari, black pepper and water (or plant milk). Blend until smooth and well-combined.
  2. In a large bowl, combine broccoli slaw, chickpeas and sun-dried tomatoes. Pour in dressing and toss to combine. Serve immediately or store in fridge (with dressing stored separately if not eating right away) for up to 3-4 days.
Recipe adapted from
Catch my Health Tip Tuesday video on Facebook on Tuesdays to hear my health tip for the week! 
Share with your friends and family. Sharing and commenting along with liking or loving <3 increases the exposure so more people can become aware of the value of healthful living.
Beginner's Guide to Veganic Gardening
Plant-based and wanting organic? This site shows you how to garden that avoids not only the use of toxic sprays and chemicals, but also manures and animal remains. Gentle World is a 501(c)(3) educational organization whose core purpose is to help build a more peaceful society, by educating the public about the reasons for being vegan, the benefits of vegan living, and how to go about making such a transition.

My Favorite Quotes
I love being plant-based. People think I am very extreme because I don’t eat animal products, but I think that being in a wheelchair and not being able to walk is pretty extreme and I don’t want that extreme.
-Tracy Fettinger, MS Survivor

Important Disclaimer
The content in this newsletter is intended for educational/informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of your health care professional. 
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