A note: I always use unbleached organic cane sugar when I am making a syrup. You can use a different kind of sugar if you'd like, give it a go! 
First, you want a strong infusion of apple blossoms. I like making a cold infusion of the apple blossom, since the cold water really does a better job of pulling the sugars/sweetness/floral perfume from the blossoms rather than using hot water, which will pull out more bitter notes. This means I pour 1 cup of cold water over 1 cup of fresh blossoms and let it infuse overnight. 
In the morning, strain the infusion and heat the water gently on the stove. You will use the simple ratio of 1 cup infusion to 2 cups sugar. Add the sugar, stirring the mixture to make sure it dissolves but does not come to a boil. Let cool and pour into clean glass jars to store in the fridge. 
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