Issue 54 | May 8th, 2023 
Welcome to your three-minute pause.
This is your practice space.

Post-It progress
I started a new tradition this year: Post-It progress.
Like a big ol’ nerd, I still carry around a planner—a notebook of schedules and appointments that’s basically a paper copy of my Google Calendar. (As much as I love technology, I can't let go of my beloved planners.) 
One planner tradition I started this year—I make a weekly note of “small wins.” Each week, I use a new Post-It to bookmark the date—it sticks out a bit so I can easily flip to the right week. At the end of the week, I write some small wins on the Post-it and tuck it into the page. 
So as you flip through my planner, you'll see a confetti of different colored squares marking small wins. (Everything from, “Finally made that dentist appointment!” to “Booked a new keynote.”)
Little wins are dangerously easy to ignore—mile markers flying by as we run to our goals. But a quick nod to them helps us realize our progress—helps us celebrate how far we are along the journey.
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Little wins are dangerously easy to ignore—mile markers flying by as we run to our goals.  But a quick nod to them helps us realize our progress. 
- Dr. Sarah Glova
And that's pretty Post-It worthy.
- Dr. Sarah Glova, Co-Editor of 8&21, Lifelong Fan of the Paper Planner

The moments between your milestones are not filler.
- Nelou Keramati, author and actress

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Experiencing time differently
The big moments are exciting. Just last week, I celebrated the class of 2023 finishing their master’s degrees. But, I am also practicing celebrating the small milestones. 
Specifically, I’ve been focusing my energy on cultivating new experiences.
As we age, time seems to slip by faster and faster. Of course, one reason for that is that a year becomes a smaller and smaller portion of our life the older we get. But, research also tells us that having new experiences helps connect us to the present and makes our experience of time different.
Write a rough draft? Way to get started!
Finish a book? Gold star!
Ride a trike on the beach? Absolutely!
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Recognizing the small milestones and celebrating them along the way keeps us present and in the moment.
- Dr. Sarah Egan Warren
I am all for enjoying the comfort of traditions and revisiting favorites, but I also look for moments to celebrate the little milestones and try something new.‌
Dr. Sarah Egan Warren, Co-Editor of 8&21, Celebrator of New Experiences

Remember to  celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead. 
- Nelson Mandela, activist and politician 

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See them
“Small wins can boost life in many ways. Yet, many of us don’t look for opportunities to celebrate our minor milestones. We deem them insignificant. 
Or, we’re so focused on the future, we don’t see what’s right in front of us. 
I invite you to train your brain to see, appreciate and celebrate them
When you shift your lens to focus on celebrating, winning and achieving rather than on preventing “what could go wrong,” you begin to lead yourself and others from a place of optimism.”
Adapted from Why We Need to Celebrate Minor Milestones, written for Forbes by Jody Michael, executive coach.

It isn’t the big pleasures that count the most; it’s  making a great deal out of the little ones
- Jean Webster, author, suffragist

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Less prepossessing
“Sooner or later we all discover that the important moments in life are not the advertised ones, 
not the birthdays, 
the graduations, 
the weddings, 
not the great goals achieved. 
The real milestones are less prepossessing. 
They come to the door of memory unannounced, stray dogs that amble in, sniff around a bit and simply never leave. Our lives are measured by these.”
- Susan B. Anthony, social reformer and activist

What’s a recent 
small win worth celebrating?

Pause is a free reflection journal created by the Editors of 8&21.

Great job!
Way to take a pause and give 3 minutes to your practice of pursuing awesome 
by exploring this issue's theme. You rock!

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Welcome! 8&21 is sent on the 8th and 21st, meant to 
 disrupt your status-quo with an encouraging reset
that can be read in 3 minutes.