Thanks for welcoming me to your email inbox. Hello especially to the new subscribers. I've written this newsletter (on and off 🙃) for years where I pick a theme and share three things that I've found inspiring – and how I might incorporate the ideas into my artwork. You can scroll through the archives, if you'd like. Today, I'm excited to share about Georgia O'Keeffe. Last month my husband and I took an amazing trip to Santa Fe. We ate fantastic food, hiked along Lake Abiquiu and visited world-class galleries but the highlight of the trip was the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum and guided tour of her home and studio. I could go on and on but I've narrowed my inspirations to three that I'll share with you today. After you've read these O'Keeffe inspirations, I hope you'll scroll down for news about my new virtual lecture, Etsy shop updates, new artwork and exhibitions. Plus, I'm excited to tell you about a project I'm posting about on Instagram. 
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  1. Doors and Windows Two of my favorite paintings at the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum were abstract compositions based on an iconic door in the patio at her home. It was pretty thrilling to actually see the door, the lines, the light, the color and the mood of her amazing space. She also carefully curated the view from the windows in her living room. I'm inspired to think more about using those kinds of shapes and suggestions in my art quilt collages.
  2. Travel Georgia took many international trips when she was in her 70s. Airplane travel was relatively new and she was eager to explore. There are many pieces in her collection inspired by her travels including her cloud paintings representing the view you might see looking out of an airplane window. I'm inspired to travel more. I hope I'll be taking big trips into my 70s. I don't necessarily expect to create work directly inspired by travel, but I think the experience of being in a new place inherently creates openness and possibility that translates into creating new art.
  3. Symmetry I'm always drawn to symmetrical compositions and there are several in O'Keeffe's body of work including many of the spectacular Perdernal mesa near her home and studio in Abiquiu. When the subject is right in the middle of the frame, an artist has the opportunity to fill the rest of the space with complementary details. There's stability and balance in symmetry. Maybe there's also predictability and boredom. Maybe that's ok.

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I've launched a new online lecture with Creative Spark! 💫 It's called Inspiring Ideas for Art Quilting and comes in three parts: Fabric, Paint and Stitch! It's based on my book Art Quilt Collage and expands on the ideas, techniques, materials and creative process from the book. I loved creating and recording the lecture and I'm so happy it's accessible to anyone (not just folks who can connect through quilt guilds or workshops)!
Have you already enrolled and watched the lecture? I'd love for you to tell your friends about it! Or post about it on social media! 

Show Your Work
Are you interested in all the details and decisions that go into creating an art quilt collage? I'm making a new art quilt for the Quilt Con Fabric Challenge and I'm posting (nearly) every day on Instagram. I'm sharing my decision making process, thoughts about modern quilting, tricks and techniques and lots of behind the scenes images. You can watch me yammer on and on about all the details in the FabricChallenge highlight in my profile.

Available for Purchase
These pieces from my Holding Possibilities series are listed in my Etsy shop. They are each 7x5" and mounted on 10x8" boards ready to frame. The bowl shape is the focal point for each design – yet it seems to be floating, unexpected and almost misplaced in these abstract compositions. And yet it holds possibilities.

No Boundaries Exhibition
I'm delighted my art quilt collage, Twilight Lifting, is part of the No Boundaries exhibition at the Virginia Quilt Museum juried by Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi. I'm hoping to attend the reception on September 23. (Will I see you there?) 
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Twilight Lifting, 52x21"

This and That
  • I loved this illustrated collection of essays and interviews about plants and the people who care for them.
  • This sheet pan Persian Lemon Chicken is delicious!
  • The new New York Times game Connections is super fun.
  • Did you know I have a list of recommended products?

New Work
I'm working on a series of 20x20" art quilt collages where I'm exploring more layers and further abstraction. This piece ended up looking a bit like an overgrown garden, which isn't a bad thing at all. It's titled Uncultivated which I hope nods to the idea of growth but also acknowledges the beauty we might find in messiness. 
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Uncultivated, 20x20"

Use the code GEORGIA for 15% off anything in my Etsy shop through May 31.
Do you have a favorite Georgia O'Keeffe story or painting? Tell me about it. 