Katie's Client Corner

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Hey First name / friend!
Summer is coming, and we are all ready for some sunshine, right?!
We have spent a lot of time chatting about nutrition and how to get the most out of our core workouts, but this week I wanted to take a little time to chat about the importance of sunshine and vitamin D for our bodies!
There are so many studies that link Vitamin D deficiencies to different diseases. If you can get out in the sun for a few minutes in the morning each day, you can increase your vitamin D intake and reduce your chance of developing diseases such as multiple sclerosis and heart disease. Some of us take supplements to boost our Vitamin D, but getting it directly from sunlight is an easy and efficient way.
Benefits of getting enough Vitamin D:
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  1. May fight disease. Examples include multiple sclerosis and heart disease.
  2. Supports immune health. People that don’t have good vitamin D levels might be more at risk for infections, autoimmune diseases, and type 1 diabetes.
  3. Can regulate your mood and reduce depression.
  4. Can support weight loss.
Signs of a Vitamin D deficiency:
Remember to consult with your doctor, but here are a few symptoms that might mean you need more Vitamin D.
  1. Tiredness, aches, and pains.
  2. Severe bone, muscle pain, or weakness.
  3. Stress fractures, especially in your legs, pelvis, and hips.
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Podcast Corner
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What are the benefits of sunlight beyond vitamin D?
Check out this quick podcast to hear the diverse benefits that safe sun exposure can help with, ranging from sleep to cognitive performance and more.
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This week in my program!
Here’s what’s happening this week in (insert your program name here):
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Keep it simple, sis!
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KISS or Keep it Simple, Sis!
In our health journey, this is the most important thing! It is easy to overcomplicate things, but follow these tips to KEEP IT SIMPLE SIS!
  1. Get enough sleep.
  2. Move your body throughout the day.
  3. Eat whole foods.
  4. Interact with friends and family.
  5. Reflect on what you are grateful for.
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Sunny Ideas:
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This article gives you seven things to focus on to live a healthier, happier life. Keep it simple!
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Have a sunny week!
xo, Katie
What's happening on the 'gram…
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