Good vs Great:
Stress Edition
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As I'm preparing for my online workshop “Stress Management: 5 Ways to Combat Anxiety,” I've been doing a lot of the techniques that I'm teaching for myself and my family. And I've realized there are levels to stress management…
Stress Tip 1: Breathing
  • Good Idea: Breathe in deeply and exhale fully
  • Great Idea: Use a breathing technique, like 4-7-8 breathing. Don't know what that is? Respond back to this email and I'll explain it!
Stress Tip 2: Grounding
  • Good Idea: Sleep on a grounding mat
  • Great Idea: Spend 30 minutes outside with your bare feet in the grass
Stress Tip 3: Herbal Formulas
  • Good Idea: Start using herbs, essential oils, homeopathy, or Bach flower essences to help curb stress
  • Great Idea: Learn how to muscle test so you can stop the guessing game and actually move to what your body needs

These are just some of the tips that I will be sharing on May 24.
Make sure to grab your free ticket to this event, filled with amazing nuggets, based on how I deal with my own anxiety.
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I specialize in working to improve vagal tone through muscle testing, root cause investigation, sound vibrations, and my specialized aromatherapy techniques. I also do energy work with the main purpose to remove any emotional baggage that is holding one back.
Email me to request a free call on how I can help you.

Take a breath and have a great day!
xo, Dory
