Meet E. 
Atlas Life's Mission is: building sustainable self-reliance one student, one skill, one story at a time. 

E. is just one such story. She has spent most of her teen life in the treatment world and was finally ready to learn how to thrive in the real world as an independent young adult.
Not every student moves at the pace of E. In her first 2 months she had landed a job, saved $3000, developed a community of like-minded sober friends in Salt Lake City, and eased into her semi-independent life. 

We wanted to highlight some of her story and show what is possible when you give life a proper chance. 
Self Care
E. hasn't had the space to be her own. She is now learning what makes her feel at home in herself without being placed in a mold or universal format. Maybe she needed to see that giving plants all that they need to thrive revealed to her the ingredients she needs each day. 
E. has worked with mindfulness coaches almost daily now. Before, she never had an interest in meditation or yoga or slowing down, really. Being told to count to ten or do box breathing when you're frustrated doesn't work for everyone. 

Not everyone can be taught the same.
A lot of young adults need productivity coaching right out of the gate. Pretty quickly, we realized that coaching E. on how to get up early, exercise, or work hard wasn't needed at all. But teaching the importance of sharpening your axe. Pausing as opposed to pushing. Feeling instead of enduring. 
New skills
E. may not want to become a carpenter but at least she's learning that she likes making things with her hands. That through vocational coaching she learned she might want to go to cosmetology school.  
Some people are provided a one track life: you go to school, you get good grades, you pick a major, you go to college, you get a job. For the first time, people are beginning to question whether or not this path is always the right answer. 
Atlas Life is a process of asking questions about who you are and what you're capable of. Somewhere in there, students discover their own life plan. One that they can get excited about because it's their own. 
E. is learning what healthy relationships look and feel like. In this process some relationships are changing for the better: family dynamics are becoming softer, more supportive. Some personal relationships have needed reassessing. 
Atlas Life is passionate about the practical skills of relationship building and social networking. Now more than ever our fewer relationships are more valuable to us and therefore need to be strengthened and maintained. 
Through community development, parent coaching, and family systems work, Atlas Life teaches young adults how to develop friendships and how best to navigate our current relationships to best fit our lives. 
I hope you enjoyed this ongoing story. Atlas Life is an individualized model with multiple locations. Check out our website at see how we help students create their own stories. 
Atlas Life Coaching Program & Gap Year Experience