A weekly message to inspire, encourage and support a full life, rooted in gratitude and joy. 
A week of..
beautiful reminders
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The universe is always there, speaking in a tiny whisper, waiting for you to slow down and listening closely. It has reminders to give and lessons to share. They are subtle, but if you leave enough space you will be able to gain and grow. Here are a few of those reminders and lessons I gained this week. 

The nothing special moment
Friday night was spent sitting on the porch enjoying a mini fire. 
Nothing big, no friends or s’mores, no set up or planning.
Just sitting, talking and enjoying the company. 
Leave space for this, welcome it and be present in the ”nothing“.  
The nothing special moments are more important than you may realize. 
The nothing moments are the everything moments. 

This is enough
As I recently shared in a past email I am re-reading (listened the first round) to The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F$%@. I think this book has more F bombs then I have heard in my life but for some reason it’s a book that just speaks to me! While I could highlight and take notes on almost every page, this paragraph sat in my heart through the week. And when things didn’t go exactly as I had planned in my head I leaned into this message. 
(If you would prefer to leave F*%$ out of your day, skip to the next section. )
“Essentially, we become more selective about the Fs we‘re willing to give. This is something called maturity. It’s nice; you should try it sometime. Maturity is what happens when one learns to only give a F about what’s truly f-worthy…as we grow older and enter middle age, something else begins to change. Our energy level drops. Our identity solidifies. We know who we are and we accept ourselves, including some of the parts we aren’t thrilled with. 
And in a strange way it is liberating. We no longer need to give a F about everything. Life is just what it is. We accept it, warts and all…Life goes on, we now reserve our ever dwindling  Fs for the most truly f-worthy parts of our lives: our families, best friends, our golf swing. And to our astonishment, this is enough.“ 

It  takes a village
A dear friend shared a quote this week, “It takes a village to raise a child but it also takes a village to support a mother.” (@hangingwiththeheaphys) And how true that is! And it goes beyond. When I pause to think about how we get it all done, it is the beautiful reminder that it was not done alone. We do not live in silos, we live in webs. We get to be part of a village, a village to help lift each other up and help one another succeed, where we all contribute and we all need the help and support of others. 
So know you are a valuable part in this village, from an encouraging word, to the check in text and the offer to carpool. And at the same time know it is ok and welcomed to lean on others, appreciate the supportive check in and take the help. 
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Weekly Journal Prompt
List 20 things you are grateful for today. 
(Yes 20! Trust me, it is powerful) 

As always I would love to hear from you! Did the universe whisper a lesson or reminder to you? I would love to hear it. 
What message did you need to hear this week?

With blssings,

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