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thanks for your interest in zyia!
I’m so excited you’re interested in hearing more about becoming a Zyia Active Rep!
Some questions I have for you to ponder on:
-Do you love our clothing?
-Do you crave something more for your life?
-Do you find yourself struggling to make ends meet?
-Do you just want a fun side project for yourself?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, then I encourage you to keep reading!
A little bit about me…
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I'm a married mom of two and ex-corporate Controller and CPA. I started this little side hustle called Zyia while working because I loved to stay active and figured why not wear some clothes & make some commission?
I had no intentions of leaving my job because I was excited for the growth of the company I was with. Unfortunately, circumstances changed with management/ownership change and I was eventually in an extremely toxic work environment that took me away from the thing that mattered most to me: my family. I was working late LATE nights, weekends, at family parties, you name it. 
I knew Zyia, which wasn't supposed to be anything more than a side gig, was my SOLUTION. I started giving it more effort and really worked to build and share this blessing. I worked in the tiniest cracks of my day, getting the smallest task done to be able to make progress. I listened to trainings on commutes, worked Zyia on lunch breaks, and fit it in whenever I could!
In June of 2020, I was finally able to leave my corporate job and pursue Zyia full time. Since then we have been able to build a team of nearly 3,000 reps across the US, Canada and Australia. Not only that, but we were able to bring my husband home from his job in a time that was especially needed to care for sick family.
To say Zyia has been a blessing is an understatement. Our family's life has been forever changed in the best possible ways. My own confidence has grown in myself and as a business owner, and I've been able to grow relationships with so many incredible individuals I wouldn't have known if it weren't for Zyia.
still reading? great!
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This story may or may not resonate with you, but I'm certain it has got you thinking!
I know taking the leap to start a new side gig is scary! There's likely some fear of failure, fear of what others will think, or maybe even past failures that make you think this time will be no different!
I can't tell you how the future is going to go if you take this leap with me, but I CAN tell you that you are in the right hands. We have proven systems, trainings, support, pretty much everything you need to create success for yourself.
I just ask that you take that chance on yourself.
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So now what?
Now let's chat about the nitty gritty about Zyia Active. In a nutshell, here's all the details you'll want to know about becoming an independent representative:
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If you have any further questions about Zyia, please feel free to reply to this email or message me on Instagram @tracy.diato. Otherwise, you can click the link below to get signed up!
chat soon!
Tracy Diato
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