Good afternoon - Lynn here.
Popping in to say hi to share this week's energy tip for your week ahead: 
Resistance Training.
Have you ever tried to change a habit and felt like you were wrestling with an invisible force?
That's resistance, acting all sneaky and making it tough for us to ditch our old ways. It's why it's so hard to let go of our old habits and start new ones.
Imagine there’s a gap between our past selves and the person we aspire to be.
Sometimes the gap can feel as wide as the Grand Canyon. But, with a bit of humor and heart, we can beautifully bridge it.
There’s a good reason why we adopt our habits and behaviors. We may have had to deal with some serious emotions back in the day, and it’s how we coped. So, it's understandable. We all have our reasons. But now, perhaps it's an excellent time to think about who we want to become and how we want to feel.
Easier said than done, right?
After a busy week, I often have a conversation with myself that goes like this:
"You've had a hectic week, so go ahead and treat yourself. You deserve it. It'll be okay if you…………… "
Can you relate?
That little voice wants me to feel better after a tough week.
However, I've discovered something about myself. My intuition always knows what's best for me. It’s my heart's guidance system. My internal GPS. My North Star moves me towards a brighter future.
When I’m connected and aligned with my GPS, it always leads me in the right direction.
If my GPS doesn’t say "Heck, yes!" then it's usually a resounding "No.”.
When I'm tired, stressed, or hungry, I may struggle to connect with my internal guidance system. When I’m disconnected, choosing what's best for my highest good is more challenging.  
When faced with the challenge of choosing what's right for me, my Resistance Training kicks in. However, I'm not referring to pumping iron or breaking a sweat, although those can be helpful too! 
Resistance training is my unique mindfulness practice. It lets me confront the obstacles that arise when I find myself tempted to lean into comfort and cling to an old familiar habit.
It’s a moment to pause, breathe, and connect with my heart. Then re-center and ask myself, "What does my future self want? How do I want to feel in the coming days or weeks?"
For years, I’ve opted to live a healthier life, yet I still run into resistance when trying to give up on some of my old feel-good habits. For example, declining a glass of wine is still challenging for me. As my body no longer tolerates alcohol well, my GPS continues to reroute  me toward making a different choice.
Sometimes saying yes feels perfectly fine – on vacation or dinner with friends. But when my body signals 'No' because I have a tennis match in the morning or writing tasks ahead, that's when it’s best to listen.
Will I still feel okay after indulging? Most likely. Can I perform well and win my tennis match? That's uncertain. Overindulgence might make it tough to remain focused and create high-quality content or maintain enough energy for better performance on the court.
The ancient Buddhist saying, "Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional," is a powerful reminder of our power to choose how we react to life's hurdles.
Practicing mindfulness lets us recognize and manage the resistance that may hold us back from self-improvement and a brighter future.
I hope my words resonate with you today. Check out the links below for more ways to let go of the old for something new.
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to you!!
p.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend.
You rock!



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