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hello honeybee
everything green opening!
turn the flower and sip the dew 
tasting breezy meadow 
 as the skirt of midsummer lifts,
a nectar-song of the season drips deep in the well
what is the sun warming inside of you?
what melts away? 
lingering, shining honey spun into gold
Every year I open my books at the winter solstice and summer solstice for discounted flower essence sessions. Newsletter subscribers always get first dibs & there is limited availability.
I'd be honored to craft you a flower essence formula for the summer solstice season and beyond - one that will reflect the shimmering strength of the sun and the sweetness of honey. We will explore your ripening dreams and desires for the summer season in a 25 minute call, touching on what you want to shift, what you are ready to let go of, and what you'd like to see in full bloom. 
After your intention is set, I will make you a custom 1 oz formula for you to work with based on what we explored together. This formula will contain a selection of flower, gem, environmental or animal essences, all chosen to support your spell for this illuminated time.
I’m looking forward to offering you some supportive and transformative allies for the height and heart of summer. 
Each appointment is $80 and includes the consultation, custom 1 oz formula and shipping! All consultations are being offered via zoom (audio only, cameras are off for deeper listening) & 
a limited number of appointments are available from 
June 12 - June 16.
Please note that if you are booking from outside the U.S. additional shipping fees will be charged separately that can range between $15-$40, depending on where in the world you are.