Hi friends, 
The other day I shared one of those viral Instagram posts about a dying father and a gift he left his son. The moral of the story is something I've been thinking about a lot recently but before I expand on that, I'd like to share the story with you here. 
Before he died, a father said to his son, “Here is a watch that your grandfather gave me. It is almost 200 years old. Before I give it to you, go to the jewelry store downtown. Tell them that I want to sell it, and see how much they offer you.”
The son went to the jewelry store, came back to his father, and said, “They offered $150.00 because it's so old.”
The father said, “Go to the pawn shop.”
The son went to the pawn shop, came back to his father, and said, “The pawn shop offered $10.00 because it looks so worn."
The father asked his son to go to the museum and show them the watch.
He went to the museum, came back, and said to his father, “The curator offered $500,000.00 for this very rare piece to be included in their precious antique collections.”
The father said, “I wanted to let you know that the right place values you in the right way. Don't find yourself in the wrong place and get angry if you are not valued. Those that know your value are those who appreciate you, don't stay in a place where nobody sees your value. Know your worth."
Know your worth. These are the words that have stayed with me, but I think it’s easier said than done.
I don’t know about you, but I have found myself in one too many situations where I knew deep down at my core that I was not being valued for who I truly was. Past jobs, past relationships, friendships, situationships, you get the idea. Can you relate to this? As I sit here reflecting, I’m thinking back to a younger version of myself not too long ago and here’s the pep talk I wish I had been given.
The longer we are in situations where we are not being valued, self-doubt becomes our norm. Once you realize you’re in a situation like this, get out. 
The longer you stay, the longer you dim your light. The longer you stay, the harder it will be to return to your true authentic self. Real life example: I once worked for a micro-manager who insisted on approving all of my emails before they went out. I didn’t work there long, but the damage was done. For years afterward, I never felt completely confident in my writing abilities. I can only have compassion for my younger self who cared too much about what her former boss thought.
Here’s the thing.
Not everyone is going to necessarily see or appreciate your gifts, so it’s up to you to believe in yourself for all that you are. It’s up to you to break free from limiting beliefs and step into your power. It’s a practice and of course there will be moments where self-doubt creeps back in, but make it a priority to not let these moments define you.
Here are a few quick tips on how to implement this as a daily practice.
  1. Take a moment to reflect on what truly lights you up. What do you care about? What brings you joy and fulfillment? Embrace those curiosities and let them guide you. Listening to these inner cues can guide you to living a life that aligns with your values and brings you a sense of purpose and self-confidence.
  2. Surround yourself with people who recognize and appreciate your worth. Build a team of supporters who celebrate your successes, encourage you during setbacks, and remind you of your incredible potential. And don't forget to be that person for others too because together, we can uplift and empower each other.
  3. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.
  4. Keep a Confidence Folder on your desktop. Anytime you receive positive feedback, whether it's a client testimonial or a friend sending you a sweet note, keep a file for when you need a boost.
  5. Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone is on their own journey and despite what it may look like on the outside , we never really know what people are going through. So just trust your own journey and have faith that things will work out for you because they will.
It’s all a practice.
Wishing you a lovely long weekend.
And don’t forget…
Let your light shine bright!
3 Things I Loved This Week
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xo, Lisa Michelle