Dear First name / friend,
Don't Quit
Don't quite when the tide is lowest, 
For it's just about to turn;
Don't quit over doubts and questions,
For there's something you may learn.
Don't quit when the night is darkest,
For it's just a while 'til dawn;
Don't quit when you've run the farthest,
For the race is almost won.
Don't quit when the hill is steepest,
For your goal is almost nigh;
Don't quit for you're not a failure
Until you fail to try.
~Jill Wolf
Don't quit my friend! The enemy will feed you lies that make you believe it's not worth staying in the game, but don't give up the fight. You have me in your corner praying for renewed strength, and a God that is greater. Don't quit.
p.s. Don't hesitate to reach out. 