Good afternoon - Lynn here.
Popping in to say hi and to take a moment to send you heartfelt good wishes for Memorial Day. I’m grateful for the courageous and honorable men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to serve our country.
This holiday weekend happily reminds me that my favorite time of the year, summer, is around the corner. With June approaching, we can look forward to indulging in delicious seasonal fruits and veges. As we embrace the energy of the summer season, I'd like to share an empowering energy tip for your week ahead:
Body Awareness - How to Listen to the Subtle Signals of Your Body.
Your body is a remarkable instrument, constantly sending you subtle signals that can help you achieve optimal health and prevent illness. When we tune into our bodies, we unlock our innate wisdom just waiting to be heard.
Think of it as free intuitive health insurance that safeguards our physical and mental well-being on multiple levels.
Mindfulness techniques help us establish a firm connection between the mind and body. 
By learning to listen to your body and understand its unique language, you become more aware of the messages it conveys through signals like gut heaviness, chest tightness, racing heart, chills, throat lumps, nerve pain, headaches, twitching, or heat fluctuations.
These messages are beautiful, intuitive reminders from the Universe, God, Source, Life Force Energy, or any other higher power you believe in.
Imagine your body as a small child seeking your care and guidance. If you consistently listen and acknowledge these quiet whispers, a simple solution or gentle reminder is all that's needed.
However, ignoring them for too long may cause your body to speak louder, even cry out, desperately trying to capture your attention.
I like to view my body as constantly communicating with me and the importance of listening to the messages it sends.  As a mom, I know well that a crying child cannot be ignored. Similarly, our bodies require attention. It’s always better to address a child's discomfort in the early stages before a full-blown tantrum starts.
To embrace the process of intuitive listening, make it a habit to conduct a mental scan of your body regularly. Pause and ask yourself, "How do I feel physically right now?"
Practicing this simple daily exercise can take your awareness to the next level.
It’s as simple as having a conversation with your body, asking it questions. For example, if you sense a heaviness in your stomach, take a deep breath, focus on the discomfort, and ask, "What are you trying to tell me, gut?"
Allow your intuition, your sixth sense, to guide you. Trust that the answers will come naturally, gently, and without fear or worry. It's a muscle that strengthens with time, so keep exploring and using the insights to guide you. 
It could be as simple as adjusting your diet, eliminating certain foods, or trying to calm your nervous system.
🌟 Embrace the Wisdom Within 🌟
Harness the power of your body's divine guidance today. Through daily practice and active listening, deepen your connection with your intuition and experience a new level of well-being. Trust the innate wisdom within you and follow it towards health and happiness.
Remember, your body is speaking to you. Are you ready to listen?
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to you!!
p.s. Check out my favorite healing smooties in the article below.
p.s.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend.
You rock!



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