Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your June energetic update!
We did it. We made it through eclipses and Mercury retrograde. How we feelin'? I am sure some big shifts or big ah-has found you for better or worse! That energy had us getting out of our comfort zones. June has a lot in store and it feels very exciting and expansive yet grounding. I dig it. Let's get into it!
We start off the month in Gemini Season which is a busy, curious energy. Paired with Mars (and soon to be Venus) in Leo - this is a light hearted vibe! This energy is begging for a creative outlet, some fun, a form of self expression, a need to be heard and put our hearts out there. Take a trip, get your flirt on, change your mind, dabble in something new, be breezy. Let the playful side of you come out! We are in a 4 month (more below) so we are grounded and productive so don't be afraid to live a little! On June 21st we move into Cancer Season which will have us focusing more on our inner foundations and the idea of home, family and security and what that means to you. The sky is filled with shifts this month that feel a bit abrupt but in an exciting way. Gemini Season reminds us to be flexible. No one pivots better than a Gemini that is no longer lit up-- channel this vibe! 
Key dates : 
1st - Jupiter North Node conjunction. Hello! Out the gate with this magical energy (felt several days surrounding). Jupiter is the planet of expansion, optimism and luck. When it meets with the North Node, the “destiny' point in the sky, we get some pretty kismet happenings. Where is 3 degrees of Taurus in your chart? This is where the luck is coming together for you. It could come in the form of a connection, an opportunity, a breakthrough or simply the feeling of big gratitude in this area. Sometimes these two can ”flair up" something- reminder that Jupiter expands things and North Node gets us our of our comfort zone so that we grow! This happens only every 12 years - a great day to dream big and make some wishes.
1st - Mercury Shadow Period over. Shadow periods always seem more annoying than actual retrograde am-I-right? Well rest easy friends, communication should be clear now. The next Mercury Retrograde will be in Virgo starting on 8/23.
3rd - Full moon in Sagittarius at 13 degrees. Is your soul satiated? This full moon begs us to take a chance on ourselves. Mercury and Uranus are together and Jupiter and North node are still together - this is the energy of change. Are you going to question everything or are you going to choose faith?
5th - Venus into Leo. This is a big deal due to how long Venus will be in Leo. Usually, Venus moves through a sign in 3-4weeks but it remain in Leo until 10/8. Venus will retrograde 7/22-9/3 (more on that in July newsletter). This energy is swoon-tastic. Venus in Leo wants to be encompassed with love and shout it from the rooftops. It also wants to show off creatively. Aesthetics, parties, PDA, glow ups, passion, flirting with life. Get to know where Leo is in your chart - this area is hashtag blessed for this whole time! Venus brings ease and enjoyment wherever it travels in your chart. 
17th - Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Saturn will retrograde until November so this energy will unfold beyond this month. Saturn is the planet of work, responsibility, goals and efforts. What needs re-working or a re-commitment? It's time to get to work and re-dedicate some time and attention to the area of your chart where 0-7 degrees of Pisces is. 
17th - New Moon in Gemini at 26 degrees. This new moon is square to Neptune –   bringing in some confusion if we aren't listening to our intuition. New ideas or conversations are emerging! An opinion of someone or something may change.  A lot is revealing if we are willing to see it. Express yourself clearly, talk it out or write it out, tell the universe your desires and do the work subconsciously to truly believe you deserve them.  
21st - Summer Solstice / Cancer Season. Time to cry. Jk jk! Gemini energy can be a bit distracting and cerebral so this is our opportunity to feel more rather than just think and react. Connect with the people that mean a lot to you. Ground through surrounding yourself with people and places that get you. Paired with the Mars & Venus in Leo energy, it's still fun out there! Reunion vibes.
June is a 4 Universal Month in Numerology. 
(2023 is a 7yr)
Collectively for the Universal 7 year, June is a 4 month. A 4 month is all about hard work, discipline, patience, getting things in order and creating foundations. Take note of anything that overcomplicates your life or makes you feel weighed down. 4 energy, at its worst, can feel burdensome, slow and arduous. Two steps forward, one step backwards. But there is indeed progress! At its best it provides the structure to get the important things done. It's time to adult, y'all! What have you been putting off? What could you declutter? Tied with the 7 year - what emotions are making you feel weighed down? This could be a great month to get structured around a creative or spiritual practice. It's time to feel solid within. Against the background of self-reflection and soul-searching year, this month's sense of practicality brings a groundedness. 4 energy feels very Saturnian so it is fitting that Saturn is going retrograde this month. Time to re-define or re-commit to some long term goals. Be intentional this month.
Do you feel like you are standing on a sturdy foundation? What areas of life could you put in some more effort to strengthen so that you can feel more supported? What areas of life need a restructure? Paired with the Astrology - I feel like many of us need to dedicate ourselves to our passions and ideas more so that they can take tangible form. 
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.

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The card of the month is the Three of Cups. This is one of my personal favorite cards! It represents happiness, celebration, friendship and reconnection. This is your reminder to make more time for friendships in your life. If you've been craving more of a social life, this card is a great sign for connecting with people that you'll really enjoy! If you've been in a funk or busy this is your reminder that you should go have some fun with the people that make you feel more like you. This is also a card of reunion and celebration (wink to seeing a bunch of my friends in LA this month). If you get invited to any kind of celebration this is your sign to go! It'll be fun!
Intuitive message : if you aren't resonating with your friends lately perhaps you've experienced some personal shifts and need to emerge in your new way. When you share yourself authentically and go after your passions and desires, you meet soul connections. So, dive into the things you love - dabble, share about it, put yourself out there and be vulnerable. People gravitate towards the glow of a person that is lit up by their life!

Book a Reading - Usually I release my schedule on the 3rd Monday of each month but life is so unpredictable for me at the moment that I have to release dates on a week by week basis. So, if you are looking to get in, keep an eye out on the booking link HERE.
Chiron Workshop - 6/7 6:30pm cst.  Chiron aka “the wounded healer” in our chart shows the area of our deep pain, how we address that pain, and how our own healing powers have the ability to help others. In this workshop I will go over Chiron through the signs and houses and answer questions about aspects. Free for Astro Curious members.
Join Astro Curious If you want to create a spiritual / self care practice surrounding the moon cycles, nerd out of all things spiritual, have community, direct access to me, get in flow with the cosmic cycles and get exclusive workshops and discounts to things I do that are open to non-members then this is for you! I mean, Saturn is in Pisces and it's a 7 year - let's get witchy! But seriously - it is my favorite thing and I love seeing everyone so in flow with themselves and the energy. It's $25/ mo and cancel anytime. JOIN HERE 

On a personal note : 
I am writing this from an Airbnb in Portland. But wait, Lauren, don't you live in Portland right now? Sure do. While I have what I call my “caretaker clause” in place-- leaving town every 6ish weeks to see friends, which is so medicinal-- my soul was screaming for alone time. Being a 2/4 Sacral Man Gen (human design), I need the “2 time” aka alone time so badly in order to get inspired. I am hoping these two days here can get me back to myself a little. It's been really hard lately, y'all. I don't regret my decision to move here to be with my mom for one second. I know and trust that this is a significant moment of growth in my life and I am lucky to be able to be here. But I do feel like I am in purgatory some days and experience grief around my old life. Even if things aren't technically hard as far as caretaking goes, emotionally it's a lingering cloud of fear, empathy, sadness and a disconnect from my own needs. It's hard to explain but I am sure those that have been through it get it! While I have embraced this time of slowing down in terms of not pressuring myself to work on the next big thing for my business- I also know that being creatively inspired is a big part of who I am. I am trying to balance the struggle between “it's okay to take a break from creating” and “creating is what makes me feel like me”. When I do get to be alone, that's when inspiration comes in. So this is me, honoring my unique way of operating. Even if it looks like taking a week off of readings and spending $350 to live 20min away for 2 days. lol. 
I dabbled in dating in May for the first time in months and it was a really nice way of feeling new feelings other than just the serious ones that surround me. Conversations that didn't revolve around cancer, medications, bowel movements, doctor appointments or emotional tiptoeing? WOW! Haha... I am easy to please. I met cool people, felt seen, got to explore Portland, caught some fleeting feelings and learned even more about myself and what I need. I'd call that a success! Excited to continue the dating dabbling as I feel up for it. 
I head to LA on the 9th for 5 days (re: caretaker clause) for my friend Alena's baby shower + seeing a bunch of friends. I can't wait - LA lights me up. It isn't as much the city as it is the people that are in it. If Portland had my people, I'm sure I'd fall in love with it too (that 4 in my 2/4 needs my people!). But for now, LA is calling and my plan is to eventually move there. I am excited to “neighborhood shop” with Christopher to get a feel for where we are pulled. 
Other than that, I've been spending a lot of time in nature here - crying and singing out loud on hikes is healing. Highly recommend.
This was a long personal note, if you made it this far, thanks for reading! 
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Have a lovely month ahead,
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