Weekly Newsletter June 2, 2023
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Hello Friday & Hello June! 
I hope you all had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend & I hope you all had a good week too! This week's newsletter is a modified version from my usual newsletter because I am still in the process of finding a new place to live and it has been tough out there! There is a lot of rentals available, however the high cost of rent these days is making it hard to find what I am looking for, so the search continues…
Well, enough of what's been going on with me. I hope you all are doing well and I hope you all have a great weekend and week ahead and until next Friday, be happy, healthy & beautiful!!

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Monday's Blog Post May 24, 2023
The Negative Effects Of Eating Cashews (pt. 2)
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Wednesday's Blog Post May 31, 2023
3 AAPI Inspired Health & Wellness Practices To Add To Your Health & Wellness Routine

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Hello Friday & Hello June!
It's us, Audriana & Ziva The Diva! We couldn't let a week go by without a bark and meow from us! Our holiday weekend was good, although we were left alone for a short time on Saturday & Sunday as the humans went out looking for a new place for us to live, but other than that, we enjoyed the long weekend! 
We hope you all have a great weekend & we will bark & meow with you all next week and remember…ADOPT, DON'T SHOP!