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Recently I have had different people ask me “how are you always so calm and patient?” Well, the answer is faith.  Faith in something greater than myself. I was not always this way; in fact, I was quite the opposite.
There was a time when I was anything but patient and calm, in fact my nickname used to be Chainsaw Pat, given to me by people who had to deal with my anger and my outbursts. I never really trusted or truly believed in anything as a higher power because I always felt let down or betrayed. 
But during my path of recovery from drugs and alcohol and abuse I was able to find something that gave me a hope I never felt before. I was finally able to believe in a higher power and eventually trust in that higher power. Faith is not faith without trust.
I have learned that no matter how bad a situation in my life is that I am not alone.  I have learned that the Universe has my back no matter what and I trust that completely. I may not always like the answers I get or a situation I may be facing, but I always know whatever happens is in my best interest and highest good.
Some people I know claim to have faith, but their faith seems to depend on how well things are going for them. As soon as they hit a storm in life all of a sudden, they are now a victim of circumstances, and their faith has wavered or completely disappeared. Or they turn to the bartering system - “if you give me this, I will do this” or “I will believe if this works out for me”. The thing is God or whatever you call your higher being isn't a genie in a bottle that grants wishes. Faith is trusting that the Universe sees and knows the bigger picture and is directing you to your best life even if the process is scary and painful and sometimes seems like we are heading in a direction we don't want to go. 
Faith is trusting that no matter what is happening in your life that you ARE ok, and everything IS ok. It is trusting that your higher being isn't going to let you fall. Again, we may not get what we wanted or wished for, but we will ALWAYS get what we need for our highest good.
We are all given trials and tribulations in life, these times are not there to punish us, but to help us grow. Having faith does not mean my life is perfect or that I have no problems because it's not and I do. Having faith to me is knowing deep down that I will get through the hard times and will be in a better place because of it. 
So, whether you believe in God, Jesus, Buddha, Source or whatever you call your higher power, if you do not trust in your higher being(s) during the difficult times than you do not have faith. Because of my faith I do not fear the present for I know my present is taken care of.  I do not fear my future for again I know my future is taken care of and I do not regret my past for my past taught me faith! 
No one promised us an easy life, but we are promised that we will always be cared for even and especially when it doesn't seem like it.  Faith is trust, trusting that you have everything you need for your best life!
May you all embrace your faith and trust that everything is happening to bring you to a better place, a better life.
Pat Laurino
Intuitive Energy Healer/Psychic and Spiritual Medium

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Upcoming Drumming Circle
The next drumming circle will be June 4, 2023. 
Hope to see you then.
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