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If you've ever made a mistake (who hasn't) then you know the feelings and stress it brings.
Embarrassment, worry, shame, and frustration are all part of the experience of making mistakes. 
If you've started a business, you're bound to make plenty of mistakes. Some of them will be inconsequential. Others could be, well, disastrous. 
One key difference between successful businesses and unsuccessful businesses is how well they recover from their mistakes. 
If mistakes are inevitable, then recovering from them must be a high priority with a well-defined process. Today's newsletter sheds light on recovering from mistakes, building an autonomous team of inspired leaders (who will also make mistakes from time to time), how to get your staff to be invested in the success of your business, and more!
I'd love to support you. Schedule a 20 minute ‘How We Might Work Together’ call with me here
To Your Success,
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There are 59 cards in the Culture Deck and each one provides the opportunity to further a connection with your staff. There are better ways to do business and the Culture Deck offers a solution to boring meetings and low staff engagement.
Find out what the Culture Deck can do for you here:

Resources & Interesting Reads

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Book a 20 minute call to get your questions answered as to how we might work together.