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The overwhelming feeling you get when you open your work email or change that 100th diaper is not the direction we went in crafting the lessons in Stick to Success.
We designed the weekly program content so that you could easily cook dinner at night, go to your daily workout, and read a book for fun....
…while simultaneously implementing the training and skills inside to open your sticker shop in 5 weeks.
Once you become a student, you’ll sigh in relief when you see how specific the lessons, and impactful bonuses are! 
😲 You’ll also get LIFETIME access to the program and community. 
Accountability and feedback FOREVER
Whether you sit down to each LIVE lecture and take notes on the Q&A calls or watch the recordings, S2S is the best place to…
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Stick to Success is organized into five main weeks:
👉🏻 Week 1: Intro to starting a sticker shop
Discover your niche, understand the market, and build your brand and ideal customer profile through competitive analysis.
👉🏻 Week 2: Manage your shop and products
Establish an SEO-optimized shop on Etsy, curate irresistible products and freebies, and implement essential shop policies to safeguard your business.
👉🏻 Week 3: How to ship and use social media 
Explore shipping options, develop a shipping strategy, and integrate Pirate Ship with Etsy. Harness the power of social media to promote your shop effectively.
👉🏻 Week 4: Pre-launch prep 
Utilize promotions and sales, set up discounts on Etsy, and implement marketing strategies to offer freebies and attract sales through captivating graphics.
👉🏻 Week 5: Launch your shop 
Troubleshoot common post-launch issues, gather feedback to improve customer experience, handle inquiries, and navigate the next steps after your shop is live.
& You’ll Receive The Best Bonuses (if we do say so ourselves)!
Bonus 1: Set up your newsletter for next level customer connection ($150 value)
Bonus 2: Top 20 must-have clipart artists for sticker shops ($100 value)
Bonus 3: Post-launch 30 day action checklist ($125 value)
Bonus 4: Essential materials and links for your shop ($150 value)
Bonus 5: How to track your art purchases and stay organized ($125 value)
Bonus 6: Response templates for all customer service scenarios ($250 value)
Bonus 7: A guide to easy and affordable shipping ($100 value)
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P.S. Learn on your own terms through Stick to Success. It’s really that simple. No need to block out hours each day/week to launch your shop successfully!
P.S.S. Have Questions? Reply to the email with “Stick to Success,” so you can get personalized questions answered!
helping you Accomplish your big plans xoxo

Lisa & Lucy



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