We are meant for development and transitions. Life is constantly moving and changing, constantly made new, and we need to be equipped with the mindset and skillset that support this reality.
What stops this natural and supernatural process? Fear.
We are afraid of failure and loss. We are afraid of losing our identity, our purpose, and our connection with others, anytime we go through uncomfortable change.
Our brain is brilliant at doing its job to keep us safe, and our mind is captain at allowing or resisting anything perceived by the brain as threat.
"The human brain is not designed for success. It is designed for survival - conserving energy, keeping you safe, creating certainty, and avoiding risk.
We know that success requires doing things that are new, growing, learning, taking chances, and doing things that are uncomfortable - all of which are very different from survival"
We are naturally resistant to change, pain, and discomfort. We can choose to shift gears with greater ease!