Dear First name / friend,
I feel like June is always a fresh start. Summer is coming, although the weather is a bit different than usual here. Schools are going on summer vacation soon. My son is finishing 3rd grade this year, and next year will be his last year in primary school. Wow! I am sure you have had many of these wow moments with your little ones already, and believe me, this continues all the way as they grow.
Since my last newsletter, spring babies have come into our world. Welcome to the world, Fez and Audrey! My time was full of births and sessions. I got to travel also and balanced my free and work time.
I would like to share with you some very exciting news. We, as the Turkey Doula Alliance, have started to accept memberships after many years of hard work!
So, after a long introduction, here is what you will find in this newsletter: This issue is more of a pregnancy-related one.
In today's newsletter:
💪🏻 Doula Sisterhood: Backup Doula ☀️ Summer Tips

Doula Sisterhood: Backup Doula
A backup doula is your substitute if you can't physically be present when labor begins. Last month, my dear backup accompanied a family instead of me since it wasn't possible for me to be there. So I got the idea to share it with you in my doula-la notes.
When I accompany births, before our agreement with a family, I always mention that I have a backup doula just in case, although I do my best to be there personally. If I know that I won't be here on certain dates during the on-call time, then I personally introduce my backup to the family. We usually do the pre-birth and after birth visits together.
As a doula, your backup doula is someone who has similar skills and a similar style to you. That's very important to ensure that the family gets the same kind of support. This way, the family knows they will have birth support in any way.

Summer Tips
What Can We Do to Have a More Comfortable Pregnancy and Postpartum During the Summer?
Sweating and feeling warm are normal parts of pregnancy and postpartum due to hormonal changes. However, summer weather can make these sensations even more intense. So, how can you pass through the summer season more easily while pregnant or with a newborn? Here are some tips I would like to share with you:
1. Choose cotton, comfortable, loose clothing: Cotton fabric allows air circulation, keeping you more comfortable and also protecting your skin. Additionally, wearing loose clothing is important for proper airflow, vascular health, recovery, and pelvic well-being.
2. Spend enough time outdoors in fresh air, adjusting your daily walking hours according to the temperature, preferably in the mornings or evenings.
3. Towards the end of pregnancy, you can consume raspberry leaf tea as if you were having cold iced tea. Drinking raspberry leaf tea is both something I recommend and something that has been studied positively.
4. Practice your relaxation exercises and breathing techniques throughout the day: While doing so, lying on your side or using a 45-degree semi-reclined position with a pillow under your feet can help reduce swelling caused by hot weather.
5. Don't forget to pack thermal water when going outside: Thermal water sold in spray form provides instant relief, especially when sprayed on the face. It is also beneficial for the skin.
6. You can take showers frequently: Enjoy the relaxing effect of water. You can take showers accompanied by pleasant scents and music. Additionally, you can consider swimming as an option. Swimming can make you feel lighter and more refreshed.
7. Remember babies get fussy when it is too hot, and they may get diaper rash. They only need one extra thin layer of clothes for the first 40 days. Then they should wear what you wear. To avoid diaper rash, let your baby's skin get some air while changing the diaper.
8. And, of course, drink plenty of water.

I have decided not to accompany any births for summer, and I have scheduled births for September and October already. I will have online and in person sessions during the summer. I will also be working on my business with the Intentional Business Immersion Program I joined. I will be traveling and swimming lot too. What are your summer plans? Would love to hear… 
P.S. You may remember that in my last newsletter, I mentioned that I would publish a blog post about APPPAH's birth psychology month; however, I was busy writing another blog post, which is a surprise and will be available in September. Stay tuned!




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👉🏻If you have missed the previous issues of doula-la notes, you can view from this page.

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