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Live Intentionally: Unlocking a Life of And
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Freedom, to me, is the ability to be totally present and to have the capacity to be able to serve others.
In the worst stage in my life, I was in a complete state of reacting. Reacting to the day, to schedules, to what we were going to eat. Reacting to my marriage. I wasn’t in control of anything.
When we’re totally present; we are able to create relationships, absorb the funny micro-moments of kids and observe the unspoken needs of others. Because I was present, I captured this perfect moment between my daughter and her cousin. 

Live Intentionally is one of the 6 Principles to a Life of And.  Where will you choose an intentional experience or moment this week with the ones you love?

Veggie Power
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We eat so many more veggies when they are chopped. AND, I got annoyed that the pre-packaged salad kits are a million dollars and not actually that good (IMO). So, I’ve started a weekly veggie prep sesh where I cut 5-10 different veggies into a container and keep it in the fridge for the week. 
  • Top tacos with it
  • Throw on top of rice and protein for a quick power bowl
  • Top with protein for a quick lunch-time salad
  • Put in a wrap with sauce and chicken for dinner on the go
I use the 8-cup reusable container from Glad. Last week’s veggies: Purple cabbage, green cabbage, pea pods, radishes, peppers, carrots, cilantro, scallions.

Big fan of these Summer Kicks
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I got these in white and they somehow go with everything. Jeans, dresses, shorts - feel fun and fresh. Also wore them to college reunion with the hubs and walked 25,000 steps with no problems. Just saying. Highly recommend.

Tip from My Tribe: Keep Your Guacamole Fresh and Green!
My friend Leann taught me her secret to keeping guacamole green: Add lemon. Make guac as you normally would - avocado, lime, salt, spices and then squeeze lemon in to keep it fresh. You’ll get like 3-4 days out of it!

If you need a quick(er) guacamole - my hack is to use this mix from Frontera. I always have several in our pantry.

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