A little ritual for you..
Hey First name / Beauty!

The name of the game for me is building a magnetic, purposeful, and freedom-focused life that pulsates with my power- without the B.S. 
I am here to tell you that everything you desire is possible. All of the money, all of the freedom, all of the impact, all of the love…and the best part? It gets to be simple. 
My true belief is that when we cut through all of the noise, listen to our intuition, and focus on what is actually important in moving the needle in our goals, massive growth can happen, and fast. 
Quantum leaping, anyone? 
This is all part of my signature framework that I teach across all of my containers - ritual series, courses and my 1-1 intensive clients. 
I believe that success doesn't come from only manifesting (if manifesting was the key, we would not be sitting here!) 
I believe success comes from building a healthy, sustainable relationship with your power from the ground up that is rooted in YOU. 
Too many programs teach you how to manifest, and don't ever tell you- how to tap into your power to break through the blocks and create lasting results. 
This is where the magic happens.
I want to see you beginning to implement this in your own life. So as a gift for being a part of this community, over the course of the next week or so, you will be getting some high value  emails from me. 
I am a mystic and entrepreneur, and I don't have time for fluff or filler- my assumption is that you don't either. 
So let's jump right into the good stuff, shall we? 
How can I actually break through stagnation and manifest what I want in my life?
Like I said, the emails will be coming in hot, so let's talk today about being irresistible to your desires-and creating the life you want- for once and for all. -
Creating a powerful life begins with looking at where you are feeling disempowered. Yep- I know, shocker. 
I’m not going to be the mentor that says - affirm your way to abundance, because the subconscious knows we are lying by the way we are feeling. We need to acknowledge how we are really feeling and thinking about things- so that we can get to the root of transforming it. 
Once you are honest- you are already acknowledging your power in this process. This one move helps you already start to clear the air. 
From this state of presence we can begin to transform. 
When you are fully tapped into the truth of your experience and not what you wish it to be- we open up the opportunity to alchemize through your presence. 
So how can we turn this experience into our power? 
Grab a sheet of paper, a pen, a candle of choice and some water.
  1. Write down EXACTLY how you are feeling. No BS and no fluff.
  2. Light the candle.
  3. Read out loud what you have written.
  4. Offer the paper to flame.
  5. Take a deep breath-and when you close your eyes and breathe out- think of the word ‘Release.’ Repeat this 2x.
Now place the glass of water in your left hand-and intend into the water what you are ready to receive. See it as a color, a vision, a feeling or emotion. 
Drink the glass of water- and visualize the energy replenishing and uplifting you into the state you are ready to be.
Pay attention to how you feel after. Lighter? More Spacious? 
This is what we call energetic clearing. I am so excited to share more with you as we journey along. Want to see what this type of ritual feels like live? 
Come to my free guided ritual on Friday March 3rd, at 9am PST
More details to follow!