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L  D…
We have somehow reached the middle of the calendar year!
Some of you are vacationing and slowing down, while others of you may be doing more and seeing this as a time to “catch up” on things. Wherever you find yourself at this mid- 2023 juncture, this edition of the LD newsletter is all about taking stock: pausing, celebrating and resetting ourselves. There may be lots more to do in the year, but I'm willing to bet there is lots you've already done! #CelebrateYourself 🏆
My hope is that you find (and by “find,” I mean TAKE) time to SEE those things – the ways that you've shown up! For yourself, your team, and your work so far this year! 
And after you celebrate, I hope you're able to reassess:
  • What lessons has 2023 taught you so far?
  • Are your 2023 goals truly serving you?
  • Are you setting yourself up for success?
  • Is there anything you can change in service of more balance between your goals and your wellness?
Below are a few resources and suggestions to get you started on the path…
I celebrate your 2023 to date, and am excited about the second half of the year!
Wising you lots of sun☀️, laughs 😂, and waterfront 🏖️ time this summer!
In community,
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Wishing you a bit more liberation everyday!

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