"When you focus on your fears, you run into them. When you focus on your goals, you manifest them."
Macy, from “Charmed”
We all know I am a big believer in manifestation. So, it was no surprise that when I turned on an episode of the new Charmed series, the moral of the episode was that in order to escape the dream demon prison, they had to stop picturing what scared them, and start picturing what they actually wanted. That was what granted freedom. Perfect. Something I already encourage. My brain must still be manifesting.
So, how does this relate to Physical Therapy again? Well, here we are, halfway through the year (what?). The Summer Solstice is TODAY! It's a time a reflect on where you've gone over the year. And where you actually want to be. And if you're like me, you may have had some changes come that seem to be directing you off of the path you thought you were following. Time to regroup and revisit what it is you truly want, and not what you're afraid will happen.  And, maybe realize that you have actually achieved more than you thought you would. Summer in Arizona with our long days of heat can also be discouraging for many for activity, fitness goals, etc. But, I'm calling this the “Summer of Training!" (and up until now, our weather has actually be pretty pleasant).
In the last few newsletters, we've reviewed everything from how to lift your suitcase, to how to clean your house, to how to do all of that annoying yard work. Now, although I am not done with all the ways you can try to save your back with daily activities, this month we're focusing on embracing Summer. And what comes with that are a few things. Such as beach vacations, or the idea that you might not have time to do your workouts, because you're on vacation.
The videos this month focus on 2 things: A quick workout you can do while on vacation (in under 10 minutes) to stay on target with any fitness goals (all you need is a beach ball and a pool noodle!).  And for those who will be walking a lot this summer, a little education on the importance of mobility in your ankles. Remember, these are for education. See your Physical Therapist (me!) for any questions or before you initiate an exercise program (so don't go crazy with your beach ball and pool noodle if any of these things bother you - message me today and we can review them together). Also, please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding any of the videos, etc. that we have posted currently or in the past.  I love patient education and going over the things.
Upcoming Events
On Friday July 7 we will be doing Chair Massage/Trigger Point release for those attending Elevate's First Friday Glow Aerial Yoga event. This month's theme is a birthday party for one of their teachers. They will be having 2 yoga sessions, one for members, and one open to the public. If you've ever wanted to try aerial yoga, this is a good chance.  Or you can at least come visit me and get some trigger points worked out! 
Visit https://www.elevateyogaaz.com/ for more details and to sign up.
On Sunday July 16 we will again be working with Elevate for their Yelp Elite event, torturing more people with trigger point release.  More details coming.
If you haven't been listening to The SOH or my State of Healthcare Podcast, NOW is definitely the time.  I get to have open conversations with those on the front lines of healthcare. You may wonder how this is important. But each episode brings to light those hidden things you may not know are going on behind the scenes and will hopefully help you understand a little better what healthcare workers face each day. Each episode also has an important message for those who don't work in healthcare on what we have learned on how to protect yourself and lead happier, healthier lives. Check it out here:  
I also would love any recommendations if you have an amazing person in healthcare that you would like me to interview or an area you would like to explore.  Please feel free to message or respond to this email with any thoughts.
So, don't forget, as you work to manifest your summer, year, goals, etc.: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”
Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!
(but I'm here for whatever you want to work on!)
As always, please follow our social media for other tips, tricks, and general Physical Therapy info. 
Shoot me a DM, give me a follow @bettefittherapy, or send an email at betterfittherapyaz@gmail.com if you want to chat further!
see you out there!
