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6 Month Check-In
6 months and 14 prompts later, here we are at the half way point! đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź Can you believe it?? It's no small feat to commit to something for an entire year and I hope you are proud of yourself, wherever you are in this process and wherever these prompts have taken you! I am proud of you!
I hope you'll take some time to reflect about your experience so far. Here are a few questions that might be interesting to ask yourself as you think about the past 6 months as well as the next 6 months ahead…
  • How are you feeling about things?
  • What has changed from when you first began?
  • Which prompt has been your favorite and why? (Here's a quick recap: vision, messy, connect, crush, unexpected, recap, gather, message, written word, mother earth, mix, movement, destination, develop)
  • What page was the most fun for you to create? The one you're proudest of? The most challenging?
  • What page created by another artist in our community have you resonated with?
  • How would you like your sketchbook and creative practice to look in the months ahead?
  • Do you like the time you are currently spending on this / how have you been able to incorporate creating into your schedule? Is there anything you'd like to or need to change?
  • What other techniques, tools, ideas do you want to try?
  • Is there anything you'd change about your practice as we move forward?
  • Is there anything I can help you with?
I also wanted to add, if you're not where you thought you would be or wanted to be, don't stress! There is still plenty of time, it is never too late. You can always decide to pick up your sketchbook to start something, to begin again.
Our current prompt is “develop”, and although I didn't intentionally time it this way, I find it very fitting that we are exploring this as we hit the 6 month mark!
If you'd like, you can use the questions above and your reflections to create a page in your sketchbook for “develop." And as mentioned in the previous email, this is a great opportunity to work in a longer time frame as the next two weeks will be a rest/catch up week and you can carry over what you have been doing if you'd like. (I've had a few ideas pop up and will try to add them to my sketchbook but I'm hoping to use these next weeks to add to a series I've been wanting to work on!) 
When it comes to creativity and art, there are so many possibilities, so many lessons to learn, so many things to try. I find this very exciting because things never get stagnant and it means we can continue to develop our skills and interests for as long as we want to!
I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed seeing your creations, reading the stories behind them, learning about your process. Thank you for sharing them and for your time, imagination, thoughts, and energy. And thank you for being on this journey with me! I am right there with you in figuring out how I want to express these prompts (and sometimes doing them very last minute because that's when an idea hits or it's taken longer than I thought as per usual lol), cultivating my practice (I'm pretty sure this is the most consistent I have been with it!), learning, and growing. It has been so inspiring to get to do this with you and I am really looking forward to what the rest of the year holds for all of us :)
Happy 6 months! Have a great weekend and start to your summer!
With gratitude,
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