Wanna get away? 
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Good morning First name / friend
Did you know that one in three college students reports feeling severe levels of anxiety and/or depression?
Big sigh.
I know, it's not most the most uplifting news in the world.
But I bring this up for two reasons: First off, these young adults are our future. And so many of them are falling between the cracks and not receiving the help and support they need to navigate our modern society. 💔
The second reason I mention this is because this age group is my jam! 💃🏻
It’s the age I was when I started working through my childhood trauma and it’s the age I largely work with today.
And currently, I’m sitting on a beautiful camp property in the Rocky Mountains. 
But this isn’t just any summer camp - this is Sleepawake Camp.
This 30-day intensive retreat is specifically designed to support 18-27 years olds as they learn skills and tools to help navigate life. 
Like, how to process anger in a healthy way, how to set boundaries, how the nervous system works and how to self-express without judgement. 
You know, all those practical things that aren't taught in school. 🙄
These brave souls are diving deep into their own personal work, sifting through group dynamics and building a community of like-minded peers and mentors.
I sit in awe daily, inspired by their tenacious spirits, fighting to better themselves so they can bring their gifts more fully to the world.
One of the foundational ideas on which Sleepawake is built is that our childhood wounds are sourced in groups such as families, school, sports teams and peers. 
Therefore, our wounds need groups to heal.
And that’s what we’re doing here.
So, while I can’t transport you to Sleepawake Camp right now, I am offering you this: a weekend long rejuvenating experience lead by my dear friend Pattie Meier, and myself, in the mountains above Nevada City, CA. 
There will be yoga, sound healing, astrology, hiking, EFT (tapping), and Tai Chi. 
Sounds pretty great, huh? 
The weekend is October 20-22 and spots are filling up! Click here for more info. 
As humans we are pack animals. 
We’re born into herds, we live in herds and we heal in herds.
And thank you for being a part of mine. ❤️
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PS: If you're starting to work through your own childhood trauma, I invite you to check out my First 5 Steps to Dealing with Trauma Guide
And if there's any way I can support you through your process, 
please feel free to reach out. 