Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your July energetic update!
* it's been a while since my first newsletter when I shouted out how I don't edit these and there will be grammatical errors - I apologize if this is frustrating! 
Welcome to Summer, y'all! July has a couple big deal astrological shifts that will continue on into the following months. I feel like everyone is craving a shift, ay? While change is exciting, sometimes it can be destabilizing and ungrounding. So, if you are the type that likes control and plans - heads up! I personally dig a little chaos and change so if you're like me, let's riiide! You may have experienced the shifts beginning already this past week with Summer Solstice, Saturn Retrograde and the Mars Uranus square leading up to this magical full moon on Monday the 3rd. The last week of June had us getting our shit together so we can launch. 
We start off the month in Cancer Season which is reminding us to weep uncontrollably when things don't go our way… jk. Cancers don't get enough credit for their ability to make boss moves-- they're a Cardinal sign after all. Cancer Season asks us to make change that allows for more inner contentment. Cancer is tied to the Moon (emotions, intuition, our needs, security) and the 4th house (family, inner foundations, home). It is across Capricorn / 10th house axis which rules career, outer world, goals. Are your inner needs being met or are you too focused on goals, outer success and career? This season will highlight the need for work life balance. When we tend to our inner world, our outer world expands - not the other way around :)
On July 22nd we move into Leo Season (best season! #biasedLeo) which will have us building upon the inner strength Cancer season is trying to gift and take us into self expression, creativity, fun and romance. Leo Season asks us to remember what we loved to do when we were younger, before life and societal pressures got in the way. Leo is all heart. Leo Season asks us to connect / re-connect with our passions. You are magnetic AF when you are going after things you love. It's hobby time, dating time, playing time! Leo's at their best are bold leaders that want everyone to feel special and express their unique gifts to the world. Do you make time for fun in your life-- with zero agenda for it to be for anything other than enjoyment? Do you let your talents be seen?
Key dates : 
3rd - Full moon in Capricorn at 11 degrees. I love this full moon! In general it is highlighting the need to have work that is meaningful (cap / cancer axis). But the real magic is that it is trining Jupiter, the planet of manifesting, expansion, growth and opportunity. The sun is with Mercury and Venus and Mars are together. Swoontastic. Come to my moon event to see how it will impact you personally - tickets here ($15 / recorded if can't be there live).
17th - Nodes move into Aries / Libra axis (MAJOR). Dang y'all, attempting to not write a million paragraphs on this. The nodes spend ~18months in signs and where they are = where the eclipses hit aka the major shifts in our charts. They have been in Taurus/Scorpio the signs that rule the 2nd & 8th houses of money, security, worthiness, loss and transformation. North node was in Taurus was where the growth needed to be - possessions, cash vs the south node where we couldn't rely as much on in Scorpio  - loans, debt… hello interest rates for loans sky rocketing etc! In a more personal way, Taurus/Scorpio had us learning self reliance and worthiness and not letting the fears of the past or giving our power away keep us reliant on anything out of our control. In Aries/Libra the emphasis will be on self vs relationships! Where have you sacrificed your own needs for others? Relationships will be tested no doubt- but if yours is solid NO WORRIES stop panicking lol. There will be a lot of people stepping up into their purpose. Aries also rules the physical body and at their best, Aries folks are very energetic, magnetic and they trust their gut. If you feel exhausted, unmotivated, irritable and angry (low vibes of Aries)-- here's your reminder that you probably are out of alignment and not following your passions. Where are Aries and Libra in your chart? These areas are going to be hit with eclipses. Aries area is the 18mo focus where the most growth and expansion will be happening (sometimes frustration if you fight it). Where my fellow Aries North Node people at (north node in Aries in your birth chart)?? It's Nodal Return tiiiiime! So major. 
17th - New moon in Cancer at 24 degrees. This new moon in general is hammering home the Cancer Season themes of inner contentment. It can bring up emotions so that we tend to them- therapy, family boundaries, rest, etc. But this new moon is aspecting all the big beast outer planets-- Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. The outer planets like to shift things. Be ready for surprises. It is a highly intuitive new moon. Pay attention to dreams, synchronicities, ah-ha moments, signs and symbols-- don't logically explain them away!
22nd - Venus goes Retrograde in Leo (RARE). The event of the summer! Venus retrogrades only every other year so it is more rare. Mercury retro get's a bad rep bc what it rules can be annoying in our day to day (schedules, communications, travel, electronics) but Venus rules love, beauty, art, money, worthiness, pleasure, feminine energy. When in retrograde, we get to have a deeper look at these themes. A chance to get money and love in order and their connection to our worthiness and values, mainly. (This paired with the nodes changing into the relationship axis… a double down in relationship changes!) In Leo, it's reminding all of us to get back to something we love, to create beauty in our life, to feel beautiful, to be more care-free. I personally love this combo. In my readings it has been very loud as a significant time for people. Where is Leo in your chart? Here's an article on what Venus retro will mean for you personally – PDF
Don't know how to find things in your chart? I have a video here - Video
Venus retro will be covering 12-28 degrees of Leo - this could be in 2 houses for you, if so, you'd read for both houses. My Astro Curious gals are pros at this. If you ever want to really use astrology as a tool, that's your place - come join any time (info below). 
Retrogrades : We have a lot of retrogrades this month! Venus (7/22), Chiron (7/23), and Saturn, Neptune, Pluto already retro. This is normal! It happens every year. I find that when all planets are direct people complain way more haha - it's all systems go and can be a bit too much. While with retrogrades, we get a chance to re-visit, re-do, re-discover and understand at a deeper level the themes that each planet represents. Venus was covered above and is the most important of all of them since the others spend a long time in retro each year (almost half the time) so they aren't felt as much day to day.
Chiron - our insecurities, wounds, wisdom, deep diving to understand ourselves which turns into our gifts we can share with others when we are ready (I have a Chiron workshop inside of Astro Curious)
Saturn - covered in the last newsletter. Time to rededicate to goals that didn't fully harvest yet.
Neptune - intuition, subconscious, patterns, avoidance - things can feel a little confusing but just take moments of stillness to connect to yourself and your inner whispers. 
Pluto - inner transformation so that when it goes direct you are ready for outer transformation. 
July is a Universal 5 Month in Numerology. 
(2023 is a 7yr)
Collectively for the Universal 7 year, July is a 5 month. A 5 month is all about change, spontaneity, sensuality, travel and our relationship to freedom.  This isn't a month for control. To embrace this energy best try letting yourself be shown what's next rather than trying to force what's next. Don't overcrowd your schedule so that the surprises can come in! 5 energy, at its worst, can feel unpredictable, ungrounded and anxious. Tied with the 7 year -  this feels like a kismet month filled with synchronicities and magic! Against the background of self-reflection and soul-searching year, this month's sense of excitement is helping us out of our comfort zones. 
I love the connection of the 5 with Leo season (5th house). Leo's also need a sense of freedom and adventure. They like to be able to go after things as they show up and romanticize life which is very 5 month. 
What is hindering your sense of freedom? What or who in your life makes you feel tied down? Time for these things to be highlighted! 
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.

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The card of the month is the 8 of Wands. As this card denotes, the 8 of Wands represents quick movement. There is a sense of purpose approaching, a goal or dream about to be realized. Are you ready? Will you be bold? This card is moving us out of obstacles. It also represents travel (wands flying through the air) and that paired with the 5 month- be flexible, take the trip, take the opportunity. You may find that motivation turns on in an area of your life this month. Let the energy of this month sweep you off of your feet! Remain PRESENT so that you can pivot when things show up. Very similar to the 5 month energy, this can be a bit jarring for those that love a firm plan. It's hands up time! 

Book a Reading - Usually I release my schedule on the 3rd Monday of each month but life is so unpredictable for me at the moment that I have to release dates on a week by week basis. So, if you are looking to get in, keep an eye out on the booking link HERE.
Join Astro Curious If you want to create a spiritual / self care practice surrounding the moon cycles, nerd out of all things spiritual, have community, direct access to me, get in flow with the cosmic cycles and get exclusive workshops and discounts to things I do that are open to non-members then this is for you! I mean, Saturn is in Pisces and it's a 7 year - let's get witchy! But seriously - it is my favorite thing and I love seeing everyone so in flow with themselves and the energy. It's $25/ mo and cancel anytime. JOIN HERE 
Workshops included inside of Astro Curious : Chiron, North/South Node, Progressed Moon. Coming up : the angels of the birth chart on 7/12

On a personal note : 
Last month I got vulnerable about not feeling creatively inspired. Good news. In June I was able to take care of me and I finally found some excitement for a work goal/project this last week. While it isn't the main thing that has been hovering (that doesn't seem to want to be birthed yet- not forcing), it is something I've thought of in the past and it popped back in loudly during a sound healing. It isn't a small project by any means but it seems to feel easy to tackle, I have all of the content I need, feels natural, etc but it does take rabbit holes and effort and collaboration. Here's your reminder - follow your passions, it'll feel the easiest BUT it still takes risk, feeling scared and doing it anyways. The being okay with it not working but happy you did it anyways type of thing. This project, even if it flops, organizes me for next year in things that I already do. So for me, it isn't a waste of time at all. And I guarantee all the learning curves will be valuable in the future. This makes it a “hell yes” in my gut. 
I got my dream car yesterday (6/30) and get to say goodbye to the hilariously cursed Prius (those that know, know). Sometimes you need to up-level your life to signal to the universe that you are ready for more. Bring on the abundance!
The Capricorn full moon cycle last year marks the time when we found out my mom was sick. I still remember mentioning in my moon event how worried I was that something was wrong- intuitively I felt it was significant. At the time my mom was not taking it very seriously. I looked at her chart, saw what was happening in it and said “go to the ER now” (very specific things, y'all - not the full moon so don't go thinking this is for everyone - real chart reading is very, very detailed). The following weeks would change my life forever. July 2022 would be my last month in Chicago and I had no idea. 
On a lighter note, Happy Birthday to my two besties - Brooke and my cat, Jasper lol. They hilariously have the same birth charts - both have sun, mercury and Venus in Cancer, Mars in Leo and both have water moons. Brooke just opened her own business and I am so proud - check her out here .
Have a lovely month ahead,
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