Happy Monday, First name / friend!
Now that you’ve checked out a couple editors and found one you like, you’re ready to sign on with them. What happens next?
It depends on the editor, but the most important thing is to make sure you have a contract in place before paying an editor! I can’t say this enough. It protects both you and the editor by listing out the following:
  • delivery dates
  • price and payment
  • privacy agreement
  • refund policy
I know contracts can be scary, so take some time to look through any contract sent to you. Have a friend read it over if you’re concerned. And ask questions if you have any!
Now that I’ve told you the most important thing, let me tell you, briefly, how my process works.
It won’t be the same as every editor you come across, but I know it’s similar to a few of my colleagues’.

The Process:
After you’ve received your sample edit and estimate from me, and said yes to editing, this is what happens:
  1. We confirm our schedule and the payment plan.
  2. I send you a contract to sign. It includes the schedule, payment plan, rough price (updated when your final manuscript is received), privacy agreement, and refund policy.
  3. Once the contract has been signed, I send an invoice for the agreed-upon deposit, which, once paid, will confirm your dates in my calendar.
  4. When the deposit is paid, I send a welcome packet that outlines all the important dates, how to get ready for editing, what to expect while I have your manuscript, some resources, and an FAQ.
  5. While you wait for your dates to arrive and to prepare for the edit, there are a couple things you can do! (These are the next steps from the welcome packet.)
    1. Do a self-edit to eliminate any typos or errors you can catch yourself.
    2. Format your manuscript.
    3. Fill out the final form.
  6. When the date in the welcome packet/contract arrives, you send me your manuscript via email.
  7. I send the final price based on the word count and schedule the remaining invoices based on the payment plan (taking into account the deposit).
  8. Then, I get started on the edit! While I have your manuscript, you get to relax or work on your next project.
  9. You receive your edit on the delivery date!
  10. We schedule a coaching call to go through the feedback. This is best done a couple weeks after you receive the edit, so you have time to digest it.
  11. I send you a final packet to thank you for your trust in me that includes some resources you might find helpful on your next step in the publishing journey.

I hope that begins to clear up some of the mystery surrounding what to expect from the editing process as a whole!
The next (and penultimate) installment in this series will be about what to expect when you get your edits back!
The final installment will be an AMA, so if you have questions, send them my way by replying to this email!
Happy writing, First name / friend!


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