Opening Your Sacral Chakra: Part 3
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Opening Your Sacral Chakra: Part 3
Welcome to Part 3 of Opening Your Sacral Chakra!
Your Sacral Chakra is the energy center that moderates and directs how you share your energy with others. It is the center that helps you express externally what you perceive intuitively.
  • Have you noticed any differences in where or how you devote your creative attention?
  • Did you receive any new creative or inventive ideas?
  • Have you shifted the way you express yourself in any relationships?
  • Do you feel more at peace with where you are right now?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, great! These are signs your Sacral Chakra is open and flowing with energy.
When your Sacral Chakra is open you may notice:
  • Increased creative expression
  • Increased ability to share your true self with those you trust
  • Greater awareness in how and where you share wisdom
  • A feeling of safety in your body
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Listen To/Replay The Workshop
During the workshop, we practiced:
- A Sacral Chakra Crystal Charging Meditation
- Calling in a new Fish Spirit Guide
- Sending giving and receiving energy
- Calling in Archangel Uriel
- And a manifestation exercise!
The recording is 1 hour and 48 minutes in length:
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Activities This Week
Call in a Loving Relationship
Think about a relationship where you currently experience the feeling of love and support. Any relationship with a human, pet, plant, work or art.
Visualize this relationship in a bubble of orange light and imagine this bubble of orange light glowing. Now follow the bubble in your mind’s eye to see it hover in front of your Sacral Chakra. 
Imagine this bubble floating into your Sacral Chakra and filling it with warm, amber light. Breathe in and out as this warm amber light fills your body with light.
Call in your Fish Spirit Guide
Sense your Fish Totem Animal by your side. 
Use the activity in the workshop for support if needed and ask for assistance in an area of your life that could use your focused Sacral Chakra’s energy. 
For example, ask your Fish Totem Animal to help direct the Sacral Chakra’s light towards a creation or a relationship that needs additional support.

To finish up this theme, listen to the Workshop recording, call a loving relationship into your Sacral Chakra and ask for support from your new animal Spirit Guide.
Next month, our topic will be: Opening Your Root Chakra
The last Chakra in this series!
Root Chakra is a foundational energy center in the body that supports physiological needs.
When your Root Chakra is open your basic needs for survival are met and you’ll often feel safe, grounded and secure. It also creates a deep knowingness that all will be taken care of.
See you in August,
Amanda Linette Meder
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